How to Get Dealerships to Reply?

How come don’t ask for MF. I always do. Only way to see if we are on the same page. Also ask for RV as well.

I have had dealers throw out entirely wrong MFs along with The RV. Just recently I was quoted wrong RV. How can you go with a deal if the RV is completely wrong???

What am I missing here

Because it’s irrelevant. Tell them your target price and let them get there however they want.


No not at all

Verify that yourself

Craft a target deal

And then make that offer


Craft them an offer Via email?

Wrong mf and wrong rv usually means they’re using a different bank than the one you have numbers for.

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Target price being the selling price? My monthly figure I want to pay?


Like if you want a 10% pre rebate deal with base Mf…calculate it, then make the offer of the output DAS and monthly

Let them get there regardless of how they do it

Doesn’t matter how the sausage is made unless the same sausage is at the end of the line


I could have sworn that doing it that way wasn’t the way, that in order to bring the puzzle together you had to have all the pieces . I did my last 2 leases like that. I knew what I wanted to put down and my monthly figure. Some have debated that idea from what I have seen here before.

You need to know all the pieces to establish a proper target price. The issue is with establishing a monthly/das by just going off what feels good or looking at others that aren’t applicable.

Also, you can’t just say monthly. You need monthly and das.


As others have stated, your initial email is too long. Pick a car from the dealer’s stock and make them an offer.

Do you have a Costco membership? If yes, there is a $3k incentive on 2020 and 2021 models.

What pre-incentive discount have folks been getting lately, based on your research?

Remember that your goal is to make it one of the easiest transactions for the dealer who accepts your offer.


But they don’t want to serve you as a customer.


That’s helpful- remembering to make their jobs as easy as possible. I will try simply making them an offer next time.

Pre-incentive discounts have been all over the place. Most dealerships seem to be as sticking to MSRP. I’ve had one dealership in my area say they’ll do $1000 off MSRP. I’ve seen several other Hackrs get between 10-12% off pre-incentives in the past 2ish weeks. I set my goal at 10% pre-incentive.

That may be wishful thinking, but I’ve got time, and am in no rush. I’ll move on to something else if the Bolt deals dry up

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Do you mind sharing some of these 10% off MSRP deals? It is a seller’s market right now, given the current chip shortage. Hence, I would be surprised if you get anywhere close to 10%. You might have to re-adjust your expectations.


Also, and this cannot be stressed enough, emailing dealers and asking how much they’ll do off MSRP is a very very different thing from making them an aggressive (but realistic) offer and telling them you’ll be in to sign today if they agree.


MSRP is realistic in current market :frowning:


There’s a difference between what you calculate as your target using all the pieces… and what you communicate to a dealership

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If you run the numbers in the lease calc here you will know exactly what your monthly will be. I don’t care how they get there as long as the end result matches what I had anticipated. Dealers for some reason never liked being asked for MF. However, you should know that before hand and run the numbers first so you know what a good monthly is.


I already have an idea where I want my numbers to be with my new lease, trying to get to a sale price target of at least 8-10% off msrp and trying to have the dealership up the amount of equity they are offering for my car at the moment I know equity is like cash but for me to use the equity from outside the dealership, its difficult to make a transaction of turning in my car at carmax and leasing a new car from the dealership since the turnaround time is extremely limited.Trying to get the best equity at of the dealership I’m going to lease my new car from.

  1. Since you aren’t OP and I looked back, not clear what model you are looking at, but almost nothing is discounted like that right now. What model, and what is the basis for the discount you want?

  2. What is the dealership offering you for your trade, and what are the other third parties offering?

:face_with_spiral_eyes: hmm maybe
