HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 3)

Something must have come up to throw a red flag in your approval. You already gave them the number- why is showing a card any different than that? If it is an approval condition you can stand firm, but risk loosing your vehicle.

because emailing a copy of your card, that sits in someoneā€™s email box is not something im interested in doing.

In some rare cases finance companies do ask for it. They already have the number and just want to see the card, I donā€™t see any reason why you should not do it

Your app is in someoneā€™s email as well. I get being cautious, but your number is already out to who ever will see the card.

The dealer you are using had been praised by forum users. They seem like one of the good guys.


You can politely ask them to delete it after submitting it to the bank. If itā€™s a stipulation from the bank there is no way to avoid it.

Waiting to see what they say. I will submit it to Chrysler directly if I have that option

And I didnt submit any PII over email. It was all done through a portal for me, as it should be.

Why not just finance a new Civic for 72, or something like that? The cheap Jettas are nice enough as well.

Maybe they want to Match the name with the SS#.
If you dont do it then they wont close the lease.
That Dealership is great and they have no say in this.
Finance companies sometimes do strange things.

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Hi Guys, Koons telling me that they canā€™t do one-pay. what should I do to drop my total cost and monthly payment at this point.


Iā€™m in the same boat .

You have options - the best of which might be to take delivery and flip it and use the profit to get yourself something more affordable.

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Gentlemen - I need a little advise here. So I signed up for my lease past Saturday (7/23). In the rush, I didnā€™t realize that CCAP has waived the acquisition fee for southeast region which is where I belong to and signed the lease papers with $595 acquisition fee on it. Since the waiver came in on 7/22 I think dealer also didnā€™t realize that it was waived off and now the dealer is refusing to help stating that lease is already consumed. Is there anything that I can still do? Do you think calling CCAP and complain would help? This is Tri-City CJDR in NC.

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few months back I pay the acquisition fee of 895 and after two weeks the dealer send me around 500 dollar cheque. So I hope the same will happen in your case. I will suggest to write to dealer rather then complain in first round

When we want to flip the Jeep we have to wait 3 payments right? In order to not hurt the dealer. -

the MMR are still strong !


Few says 90 days and few think its 3 payments counting the initial payment at time of delivery.
Jury still out on itā€¦

Uncle Jay Powell just bump rates by 75bps. August going to suck


Received my jeep last week. Does anyone have any idea how long it takes chrysler to fund? Looking to see the buyout price. This is my second jeep (have kept the first one).
Possible to transfer my current plates to my new jeep to help expidite the flipping process?

Usually a couple days. You can sign up online using your SSN - if you already have an account it should show up pretty quick

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Consensus was 75bps in July.
They will keep increasing each month till end of 2022. Goal is to get to 4.0%
Finance companies has to pass that increase to the buyer in form of MF but it will be interesting to see if they can lower the RV by 2 points to ease the Pain if one wants to flip or buy at end of lease.
Whole world is F$@$ now with Covid, Ukraine and Oil Gas issues. Europe will be on shit starting Winter with no Gas from Russia. All these things have a Dominoes effect on our daily lifeā€¦
Time to go to Marsā€¦

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