HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 3)

Much much appreciated. Going to wait until the 23 orders open up and see what kinda numbers I can come up with!

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2023 numbers won’t be out for a while after orders open so its a gut thing. Based on last year, the RV went up for the next MY by a few percent.

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anyone sold a sahara recently? curious what MMR is
i assume 54-55?

I sold one for $57k 2 weeks ago.

@TheBigTuna sold one this weekend for $56k (base soft top )


i ordered it with color top
i was gonna swap the color top for black for the willys but i sold it :joy:

who bought yours?

@Clutch actually bought two from me the same day.


Your on the east coast right?

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I keep a Wyze cam aimed at my Billet Silver, 'cause I know Clutch covets it. Shows up missing, I know where to look.


I’m in KY. But clutch buys nationwide.

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How’d you score 13.9% off?

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4xe rubi
63500 msrp, 10% off with affiliate
ordered with clutch

about to get my jeep, took 4+ months, unfortunately, new May RV and MF increased my projected monthly payment by $100 :confused:

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You ever buy from Dan Cummins ?

What is your monthly/DAS looking like with today’s numbers?

DAS - 1st month only
acquisition fee waived
monthly $460 + tax (7.5%, FL)

FOMO: January number even with the $895 acq. fee was $389 + tax.
Well… It is what it is. I guess it will only be worse in the future


What kind of rebates does this car qualify for, the same 7.5k?
Are we getting similar discount with brokers/dealers on this too?

Was it the same dealer, gupton. I thought most were getting 10-11%.

The 13.9% off is based on the price protected sales price and the price increased msrp. The dealer didnt offer 13.9% off, it fell out of the mix due to the Jan price increase.

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I’m assuming so, not too sure though!

Yes, gc 4xe gets the $7500

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I ordered early and am.still waiting on one. Plenty of people order in the last few weeks and have a build. Ordering early means absolutely nothing in the lottery that is Jeep Manufacturing.

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I wasn’t sure about High Velocity when I first saw it online, but seeing it in person when the truck pulled up this morning, I absolutely love it. I kind of wish I had ordered the 392 in this color instead.