HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 3)

Oh I already know this is gonna backfire
Ima sell it and she’s gonna want to keep the xr :clown_face:

She said get the cat but with a newborn due in 4 months that’s not a smart purchase :sob:
@BYGFEET gonna pay the broker fee after we line them up

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Find it interesting that a dealership is sending traffic to a broker.

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The newborn needs the hellcat thrill! Don’t deny the birth right of the child.


Its makes it simpler for the dealer but im sad that they’re forcing you that route but its not like ill miss koons. On the other hand if anyone started brokering Gupton, im going to war!

Try Carvana and Driveway too!

I doubt working with a middle man is ever simpler.

An extra $500 to the :wastebasket:


I expect a baby recaro seat gift from you

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Trust me, you want him/her in the driver seat


Couple of nice sales popped up yesterday


Are these Rubicons, Saharas, or both? Thanks.


2022 Rubicon


So I tried reading all three parts. Would love to get a wrangler 4xe. Is there any benefit left in ordering one versus negotiating on one locally? From what I gather after sifting through pages and pages of info in these threads, the only benefit at this point is the 7500 reduction in the lease and then perhaps one pay to get you to roughly $12k one pay on a 3 year lease? I assume then some are choosing to payoff the lease and flip the car within 90 days for anywhere between $1k-$10k profit based on non-sense market and worship like wrangler following? Thanks

By that logic, wouldn’t the owner of the dealership just negotiate all of the deals instead of paying sales managers to do it? After all, they’re just middlemen, right?

These brokers streamline the process for the dealerships they work with. They do in fact serve a purpose.

If you think you should buy locally you need to keep reading a lot more

If you can find a local dealer to give you 9%+ off MSRP, plus the buy rate MF with no additional add-ons, then by all means you should go that route.

The party is over guys…

$4,000 increase in the Total Lease Cost is equivalent to 30% more in May numbers compared to April. More than $100 in the monthly payment.

This is a massive increase for a 36 months period!!!

April Calculator
May Calculator

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Agree, the increase this time was huge and unexpected, I would refrain to place an order for the time being

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By that logic wouldn’t it make sense to buy directly from the manufacturer… oh what…

How many people really keep this for 36 months?

The increase does blow, my rubi is $100 more now but I think the party is far from over.