HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 2)

Thanks for the feedback. Well if Joe or Lisa start playing stupid games, I walk. Won’t sell my Hydro Rubicon until I know the Gobi numbers are solid. That’s the advantage of zero deposit. I lose a percentage point in discount off invoice but I consider it a fair trade off to hedge against uncertainty in the future.

That is why I ordered from MOG too. Hopefully, my order will be in sometime in April.

I’m sure a bit of pushback will put them in their place. MOG wouldn’t want to ruin their rep as a high volume dealer. They’re very proud of their standing in the forums.


I figure the reason why MoG is ok with no deposit is because if someone walks, then they have a unit in inventory they can sell at minimum MSRP or higher. Although I thought someone said Stellantis frowns upon that and dealers can get in hot water with the mothership if they have too many incomplete sold order transactions.

Somebody in Seattle is getting a snazz 4xe with black hard top tonight or tomorrow! Just drove over Snoqualmie pass on I-90 and saw it on a truck.


Mike at MOG did tell me a few weeks ago that they’re no longer dealing with shipping. They had grandfathered orders but any new orders would have to be for a pick up at the dealership.

Be sure to double check that in case you want to ship.

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Good to know. I’d probably fly the family into Atlanta and then after signing head on over to Helen, GA and surrounding areas and put the new Rubicon through its paces in proper off-road mountain environments.

Can anyone who has access to dealer connect please post the incentivized lease rate sheet (Dodge-Ram), thanks

I was approved at tier 2 because my credit is garbage this month low 600s. Got my Rubicon new MSRP 63k, Autonation offer 57k. I’ll probably ask a couple local dealerships if they want to make an offer.

I hate the Jeep. It’s tiny inside. Not having a 360 camera sucks. Might skip hard top next time. Is there a soft top with regular windows, not cheap vinyl?

Okay looking for my first ever lease & want to get the 4XE. What do I need to know? (From somehow who has leased a 4XE or leased several cars before). It’s looking like the Rubicon will provide the best lease deal with a residual at 66% & MF 0.00144. What kinds of % off MSRP are yall getting? Some places have 8.5%, but have seen all the way up to 10.25% (w affiliate) or even one guy with 11ish%. I want to go to my Jeep dealer this weekend locally in Texas and present them with a calculation I’ve built from my research and the calculator. I want to sound like I know what I am talking about lol

Those 10% off MSRP are on orders only, and only a few dealers are willing to place those orders. If your local dealer doesn’t play ball, order with Mike at Mall of Georgia. The drive from Atl to Texas ain’t bad at all

Contact @Clutch … you’ll pay a broker fee, but if you’re from Texas, you can order from his Southern dealer which isn’t too far away (closer than ATL). Your time and mileage on the vehicle going to/from ATL is probably worth the nominal broker fee.


Anyone got an order open?

I have one ordered exactly 3 months ago and production not scheduled :frowning:

Chapman can be tough sometimes……i directly messaged a salesman (Kevin Bloomfield) instead of dealing with Ashlie or Courtney and got much faster responses. He was the one who updated me though out the entire process and always responded within the day. Good luck!

Not just this month, but your credit is garbage in general. How did you even get approved with that score?


Just signed electronically for my Rubicon ordered in Feb through @Clutch Southern dealer
Base, except for Remote start and OWL tires $379/mo including taxes-$60,275 MSRP 10% discount, no acquisition fee for CA this month…will have it shipped to me

My Nov Sahara order should be delivered by end of April


Tried plugging both my wife and my jeep in last night to charge and the fuse kept tripping. Is this common?

:rofl: Tell me more about your wife… I may need to upgrade my charger to a level 3.


Bahahah no issues with that plug


Can someone make these numbers match. I’m coming in $15 a month cheaper and the sales manager said “that leasehackr calculator never works”

Doc fee-422

I’m missing $540 somewhere