HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 1)


Are the November residuals/money factors/acq fee waivers available yet?

Yes, you’re right. I’m looking at that section of my CCAP lease now. RV plus depreciation amount minus applied monthly payments is the purchase price on their form.

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Not sure I just receive the paperwork with money factor of .00134

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I might be mistaken but I thought tax credits in 2022 could be reduced for PHEV.

Ordering through a dealer that doesn’t require a deposit like Chapman or Mall of Georgia will increase shipping cost to Cali by around $300-$500. I can place an order with Clutch’s dealer with a refundable deposit within the next 30 days but there’s a broker fee so it basically all evens out. I’m not much of a gambling man so I think a bird in the hand might be worth more than 2 in the bush.

The current language for the build back better act, which covers the expanded EV/PHEV credits, would have the 4xe eligible for either $8500 or $9000, depending on where the battery pack itself is manufactured.

Obviously things could change depending on what actually passes, but that’s what has coalesced so far.

Yes it was…

For Sahara and HA in June

36/10 was 65%
36/12 was 64%
36/15 was 62%

Rubicon was -1%.

Where you aware that MF was .00134

Yes…what a nice surprise for November😁

Perfect timing

Has that been confirmed for November? :grinning:

I thought numbers come out tomorrow

We are just all hopefully thinking theyll keep the same program they announced a few days ago and wont make it just a few day thing :slight_smile:

Let’s hope that residual stays the same too :blush:

I must confess, selfishly I don’t care (since I have SOP from June). But for the community at large, absolutely …let’s hope for a stable RV✔️

Quick side question on ordering a '22… do any of you see an advantage in ordering another one right now as opposed to in a month when production begins? Or vice versa? Seeing how basically nothing can be locked anymore…

Well the colors currently being offered suck ass, so maybe if you wait later in the production cycle some exciting oranges or greens will come back.


You may risk an MSRP hike but lose out on a unique limited run color. Knowing you ordered a Tuscadero, I’d prob wait and see what they come out with.

Worth noting-

Personally I’m not a fan of silver cars. But the Wrangler looks really good in silver and they’re bringing it back for 22. It’s the same color as the grand Cherokee L for 22. Zenith Silver


Did yours arrive at the dealer yet? Nothing on my end as of now.

With the ev credit pending, I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see msrp hikes. Lock one in now on a refundable deposit and if something happens in a few months, reevaluate?


Anyone order the hardtop headliner? Is it worth getting?

Arrived Saturday! Was a hassle to sign today but I was able to sign and take advantage of the program. Not the dealers fault though, they were great.