HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 1)


As mentioned earlier the Lease Tier bump is extended.


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Thanks for this. Great news!

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You’re making me anxious for our Rubicon (not 4XE) Snazzberry/Saddle to show up!! That thing looks great!

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Snazzberry rubi is a STUNNING machine. I am jealous. That will look amazing with saddle

I had a 392 in Snazzberry and it was amazing. You will love it

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Where’d you get the MF sheet from? It’s not posted on the Chrysler site.

Thanks for posting this. Was there a list of which states fall under which areas?

Totally agree, Thanks! We will be putting the wheels from our current JK onto it right away too. :sunglasses:

I’m thinking of getting those bronze Rubicon Hood decals and bronze trimmed badges to match the wheels too.

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It’s on there…
unless I just grabbed the September one by accident. 0_0

Ya, I effed up… good catch.

Sahara 4xe $56,245 MSRP ($54,725 original) 36m/10k $341.35 month with $1k down (NJ tax included, but not tags)

LH score 13.5 years. I pick her up in the next week or so. Thanks everyone at LH!


I don’t think your RV is accurate? Or was it sold order protected?

Yours finally landed! Congrats

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For everyone asking about the GC 4xE, doesnt look like these will be available to order until atleast november from what information weve gathered.


No, not that I know of.

Yes, it was sold order protected by Gupton. I ordered on June 16 when the Sahara RV was 65% for 36m/10k.


Can’t wait to see how these turn out. Looks like GC’s are hot hot right now looking at what 2019-20 models are getting bought for used. a 65% RV with the 7500 rebate should hopefully make for a sweet deal.

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I’m really curious to know the MF for 39 months to figure out if, in the Great Lakes region, it may make more sense to do 39 with a waiver vs 36 without, since an 1195 fee adds roughly $35 to the monthly payment.

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Dealer called me to re-sign my contract and purchase order because the MSRP was $10 short (car is already on the way to me being delivered lol). Ten dollars. Said CCAP wouldn’t fund the deal since MSRP wasn’t accurate LOL

Not sure if I missed it above but it’s posted now!


You’re losing 2% on the residual value going from 36 to 39 months, so you’d have to check that loss of RV against your MSRP vs. whether the acq fee waiver amount would make sense.


New MF sheet is up and looks like no changes. 39 month is .00205. That and the 2% loss of residual makes it not worth it.

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