How does a "good" lease compare to buying and holding for 10 years?

Can I like this more than once?

Awesome effort. My productivity just nose-dived for the afternoon . . .

I suspect the $1,500 lease maintenance every third year is probably high.


That’s why Infiniti q50 is flying off the shelves :grin:

Ha, thanks. My guess is assumptions need some work. Gave everyone comment access.

Assuming it will cost you $19k in repairs is a bit out there, unless you bought an Alfa.

Nailed it. it is all about understanding the variable and $$ attached to those variables to make an informed decision.

No One can make a broad statement saying one is definitely better than the other.

You can also use my model.


I modeled this off of my 2009 TTS. These are based on that cost, through year 7. It was only getting worse every year, and so I sold.

To be fair, these do still feel high.

3 vets said we needed a 10k acl surgery for my Pitt/lab. UPenn vet said conservative management might work. 3 months of that and he’s fine and running again. With all those savings I decided to get a necessary 7 series instead of paying down the mortgage


That was my first reaction too…but have no idea what needs to be done every 3 years…brake flush?..pads?..that expensive air filter?

Great post! No doubt leasing has many benefits, some that can actually outweigh $1k per year premium.

Pets are terrible investments, should’ve leased it instead :grin:


Not to complicate matters but I was saying financially it makes the most sense to buy a reasonable car that is 3 years old and then hold it for a while. That makes a huge difference in the costs as I showed above with the 3 year old accord example, all fees and maintenance included. Comparing an accord to a loaded brand new acura is apples to oranges. If somebody must be in a new bmw leasing probably is the best way to do that. But I’m talking about reasonable and efficient transportation

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Should have told me to lease the wife before buying :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


We did 2 this summer at $5K each

Poor doggo. 10 weeks in dog jail after #1 Within two weeks of freedom, tore #2. Now she’s bionic so we good!


Doggie surgery is expensive

Terrible residuals for sure.

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…it takes all my strength no to post a joke about this…

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Quick, back to the model cave!


Leasing models is terribly expensive.



They have high liquidity requirements. Plus a MF worse than AMGs.



Check my math, as I did this in a hurry. But, it looks like at 5 years, it’s still better to lease killer deals than purchase a 3 year old used vehicle. At 10 years in, the savings is heavily weighted toward the 3yr used purchase (~2k/yr savings).

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