How does a "good" lease compare to buying and holding for 10 years?

I’d be interested in further breakdown of that $6000 repair/maintenance cost. Perhaps there was some fat that could be trimmed and resulted in further savings.

I’d like an extra grand myself.

Also, if people continuously lease a BMW 3 series, how much more excitement could there be?

I do not have exact amount but the ballpark for some big items is below

Timing Belt (Recommended not required) - $1,300
Wheel Bearings (needed) - $1,200
Break Caliper (Needed) - $250
O2/Knock Sensor - $400

besides that it is just tires and oil changes.

I will see if I can find details.


That’s good enough, but that timing belt seems like way too much. I’d think it would be in a $500-600 range on a Acura/Honda.

holy moly…we’re talking $500-600 over the span of 11 years.

Does it realllllllly matter bubba?


well, if we’re going to be pedantic, shouldn’t we normalize those 11 years of payments to 2020 dollars? Time value of money and all.


yeah, we count beans here to prove a point.

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Im sure Ive seen you there! :coffee:

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Value of lease dollars VS buy dollars?

values of 2020 dollars vs value of 2010 dollars


not sure if you’re joking, but how is that relevant? You did not drop $40k cash in 2010 on a brand new car, I hope.

I love the fact that people here haggle for every dollar on a lease comeback with something like, how does $1000 a year matter? Or $500 in 11 years, please. Like we all big ballers.

“This is because of all of the money that they waste on everything else, like new phones, trips to Disney World, tattoos, NFL jerseys, surgery for 12-year-old cats, etc. And buying (or leasing) too much car.”
Ha ha ha you’re right let the cat die ! - Does that count as animal cruelty by negligence if you do not treat your cat ?
Adding to the list Starbucks

I spent $10K this year on two ACL surgeries for my pup.

That’s why I don’t mix my gas to save $4/week.

Things come up. Can’t stress about all of it.

C’est la vie!


I doubt there are any minimum wage earners on LH, please continue to enjoy life and yes get that new car every 2 to 3 years.
Life is too short and I personally can care less what my net worth looks like after I die😎

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Oh come on, if you’re going to do a dollar for dollar comparison over a decade of two different cash flows, you need to normalize for time value of money. We either get to be pedantic or we don’t.


Unless in a community property state, ones goal should be to go out while taking as many of someone else’s shekels with you. :rofl:

The savings will go, but the many intact life insurance policies, both whole life and term, will be plentiful :slight_smile:

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Got me there, I do not have the required financial background, but I have a gut feeling the cost of money will even out and start earning more once there is no more car payment.

Well now you’re moving the goal post.


that still doesn’t prove leasing is financially more sound. :grin:

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