Honda Clarity 36/12K $7800 ONE PAY

People from Massachusetts.
Generally suburban people since people in Boston are Bostonians.

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Also Tom Brady sits when he pees.


He also kisses his children on the lips… weird.

That was my first instinct, but I wanted to make sure so as not to assume!

He does have a rescue pit bull that rides in a stroller. At least the dog is treated like royalty

What Am I doing wrong here? Are your guy’s one pay including the $7500 tax credit or are you not factoring that in?

What the hell is an “Oregon Privilege tax?” :clown_face::earth_africa:

Honda passes along $6500 or $7000 of the credit on lease. Not $7500.

So its included in the 1 pay? I wouldn’t have to wait for my tax return to get it? I’m assuming this quote for this car doesn’t include the credit at all?

Yes, $7800 is total price out the door with MA tax, registration, fees. 12k/36. Living outside MA, tax likely different.

i forget how one pays work, if this got totaled on day 3, is there any refund?

Read the contract…all Captives are somewhat different. “Is there any refund?” It depends.

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it feels like one of the biggest suggestions i’ve read on here is to not make a down payment on a lease, and to roll everything into the monthly payment, because if it gets totaled then you aren’t getting that down payment back. i’m guessing the same is true for most one pay leases?

Again, it depends. Some have indicated they’ve gotten their money back. Others have had problems. You need to read the contract before signing it.

From what i understand and have seen, one pay leases are cheaper than monthly payments when added up so i suppose it depends on whether one thinks the savings are worth it

Leases with down payment tend to be the same numerical wise when the down payments are rolled into monthly payments

You’ll save a sizeable chuck of change with a one pay. Worked out to over $1400 on mine.

Gap insurance included in the lease, and offered separately will cover the money. About the only solid risk is maybe losing drive offs.

I got one of these over the weekend… I thought (also from my online research) that single pay leases are okay if the vehicle is totaled then you get your money back for the unused portion of your lease term… NO?

Whereas, when you pay a down-payment the risk was losing that part…

Anyone care to explain? I don’t want to hijack this thread but don’t think there is a better place to explain this info…


Can you pm with the dealership contact details in Ma
Would like to replicate this deal…
Thanks in advance!

Can you pm with the dealership contact details in Ma?
Would like to replicate this deal…
Thanks in advance!

Why are you guys doing one pay? So your money will earn 15% after 3 years? That is a horrible investment of 5% a year. Anything below 8% return a year is bad investment. I made 45% on my investment from Feb to Sep. That is 7 months. Not saying anyone can do that but it is easy to get 8% return per year even in a conservative mutual funds.