Honda Accord Sport 2.0 12k/36months: Please Evaluate before I sign

So what’s the vehicle selling price?

I have emailed to get it, I doubt they will comply, but lets see…

I’m told it would be 27088

That’s a really good selling price. make sure nothing else is baked into the contract.

what else should I be looking for as in “baked into contract”. I’m familiar with regular bs like nitrogen air or paint protection etc. I will have the opportunity to review contract in person prior to signing it.

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I signed the contract today, delivery Tom. No surprises so far.

Should I get the tire/wheel protection for these low profile tires ? They were telling me insurance won’t cover wheels and tires if they burst from potholes.

Obviously I said okay I will think about it and not pay for the advertised offer right away.

Or is this something I should call my insurance (Geico) about tire/wheel coverage ?

I wouldn’t on a lease. I paid like $550 for wheel/tire/dent/ding but I own mine and coverage is for 5 years. Haven’t had a flat tire in 36k miles but I’ve had some dings and curb rash taken care of with it. Takes a lot to bend an OEM wheel.

Are there any 3rd party sites that would cover rims and tires for cheap?

Just as an example I found to get gap coverage for waaaaay cheaper in place of Toyota’s gap offered in finance (my car insurance doesn’t cover gap here in NJ). $288 for 3 years.

Right, but you aren’t in NY, correct, @chrishs2000? The roads around here are getting worse and worse. My tires on my 2017 S60 weren’t exactly low profile, but I hit a massive pothole that swallowed a few other cars at about the same time, and bye bye tire! I was surprised I didn’t crack the rim considering how hard I hit it (dark highway at night in January). I bought the protection this time because I have low profile tires and expensive, upgraded wheels this time. I also had a garage at work that kept scraping my wheels. I got the package discounted and didn’t cap it, though, so to each his own. I also paid with a credit card where I earned 3% back in rewards. :slight_smile:

I just saw a posting here in the past 2 weeks for adding 3rd party time/rim protection. On a Honda Accord it could be $400-500, who knows but reach out and get a quote, then compare to anything your insurance can off. This guy is in NJ, Good Luck!

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A/S/L??? :laughing:

I’m in the Ann Arbor MI area but I grew up in NY. I can promise you that the roads are far worse here :sneezing_face:

Spoke to my insurance (Geico) they do not cover tire/wheels.

I’ve never lost a tire before this winter due to potholes, I lost 2 tires in potholes here in Middletown NJ, one on my Expedition and the other on my daughter’s Elantra.

It’s the liquid brine they are spraying on the roads before storms. The brine eats the roads and the underside of the cars. My 2005 Expedition has been eaten away by brine and chunks of rust are falling off all over it.

yeah… I guess I’m leaning towards declining their plan and see how my experience goes. Majority of my driving area is decent roads, some bad areas where I guess I will be more cautious. Can not prepare for all potholes of course.

do you have the sport 2.0T trim? I never had slim profile tires…so that’s a first for me.

Looks pretty good. Here they are offering $435/mo on similar Accord’s in my area.

Happen to be in NJ? Because thats what I’ve been getting

Maryland 202020

Is there a way to add that to the FAQ forum or “Leasing 101?” Seems like an important topic.

Yes it will be added!