Haggle with a Lease Broker?

The guy across the street from me does. One month he sold 6 cars when I sold 34, he made the same amount I did and was a perfect 6/6 on surveys. I was 21/22 on surveys. Guess which one of us got chewed out?


I think negotiating with a broker/dealer on LH is probably a bad idea.
I think not negotiating with a random non LH dealer you contact via their website is a bad idea.


Hate to see it
That’s ridiculous


Subaru or Benz?

Benz. We both worked at Atlantic and after the split I went to Empire he chose Competition.


I totally get it but I also know plenty of pricks that are not frugal and will take your first offer.

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All it takes is one to decide that since they had to go back and forth I get a 8/10 on my survey. The risk isnt worth it

When I do a deal I try to make everything non-negotiable because the second I do, they think every part of the deal is negotiable. Ive had customers hold a survey over me for an extra key (3rd) or they want another free tank of gas or else I get a bad survey. That’s just negotiating according to them.

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That’s extortion!

But when a key is $488 at cost or a full tank is $75 and a bad survey hits for -1800 or sometimes even more what choice do I have?


You’re just giving the worst lurkers more ideas.


So a bad survey is a tangible financial penalty? Or is it that a good survey is a financial incentive? Are you saying that you lose out on a bonus if you don’t get a good survey or do they actually penalize you?

Thank you do the pro tips!


HAHAHAA remember the person who was mad when they didn’t get a full tank on their car from gupton I believe?


What’s your wife going to complain about now ?


You can’t please everybody. You could pay the $488 out of your pocket for the extra key and they still won’t give you a perfect survey. The problem with the “3rd key” is that if you were to pay for it out of your own pocket, they think the dealership just “throws it in” and it is a freebie for them.

To the kind of cheapskate we are talking about, who thinks haggling is foreplay, that’s irrelevant. They got something extra, free. :eggplant:

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Not a good survey, a PERFECT survey. The system is set up that anything below a 10/10 or 5/5 is counted against the salesperson’s CSI bonus.

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My end of month bonus can be cut by 50% for 1 bad survey.

Seems pretty flawed.