Hackers I need your help I need a daily driver basically

So basically here is the situation. I own a 2014 F-150 truck out right and no money is owed on it. I been dating this girl for a while now and we are talking about moving in together. It’s costing me $55 every 3 days to fill up my truck which is impractical. I’m torn between getting rid of my paid off truck and trading it in for a more economic car or keeping it and getting a second car. My thoughts are to maybe lease a newer car like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla for now until I can figure out a more permanent solution. This is where I need your help. I am looking for the cheapest deal possible on a car as long as it’s good in gas. Options are really not a big deal considering I’m just driving it to work. What would you guys recommend as far as leasing wise doesn’t have to be those specific cars and what does a good deal look like? I live in Georgia. Thanks hackers!

You are spending nearly $550 gas monthly. That’s a lot.

Subjective question but if I were you, I’d sell off that F150 to Carvana/Vroom. Keep that cash because in this economy you never know.

You can def get a corolla or civic for nearly half the money you spend on gas

Moving in with a girl you started dating is ehh…


Lower trim accord, civic, corolla, Kia (if you really wanna be cheap).

Could I just walk into a dealer and tell them hey i need whatever you can get me for the cheapest? How would you recommend I approach that. I feel like a dealer is gonna try to squeeze as much out of me as possibe.

Do not do this.

If you want to put no effort into it, reach out to some of the brokers here and ask that instead.


Go test drive both cars first.

Figure out your must have options (such as leather seats, for example) since you will be driving this car. How long is your daily commute?

An internet stranger should not be recommending a car to someone who will be driving it for at least 24 months.

You are going to have to do some research. If that’s too much work, then work with a broker. All the info you need is only a quick search away on LH.

Good luck.

:point_up::point_up::point_up: Don’t.

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Sure, if you want a terrible quote. GA, if you’re willing to go down to Fl @mani_is_kool might be able to help. Go to the marketplace tab and page through that, you’ll find something.

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Can she drive to you with her fuel efficient car instead of you driving to her place with your truck?

@Hmccook, replying to your pm.

OP I just did some back of the napkin math and how many miles are you driving a month?

Around 90 miles a day there and back.

Leasing isn’t for you then, you’d need to buy so many miles a year for overage fees. In general, I’d say if you drive way more than 15k miles a year just skip leasing and get something japanese, reliable, and take care of it.


Can you find a girlfriend who lives closer?

Also, how has nobody recommended a Bolt yet?

Sounds like the perfect situation for an EV.

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What’ s the range on one of those?

5 days a week equals 450 miles. In a year that’s 23,400 miles (52 weeks × 450 miles/week), not including weekend driving. Leasing is not for you.

They claim 260 miles but since half of this forum has one I’m sure we can get some real world data. He would have to charge every night but gas cost is now zero.

If he went the EV route and eliminated gas cost all together, plus got the lease for an effective $100/mo w/ 15K miles (guessing)… he would be $2100 over a year which adds another $175/mo – or just negates the gas savings. I feel like it’s plausible but can you imagine giving a Bolt back after 3 years with 70K miles, it would be worthless.

I would not be guessing in this case.

Well in NJ the Bolt is free but I’m not sure what the deal is in Georgia…

Someone signed a one pay deal on a Bolt recently. Payments comes to about $220/month for 10k miles.

EDIT: OP would need to go to 15k miles, and pre-pay for an additional 10k miles. It does not make financial sense for OP to lease, IMO.

His one pay was $5907 after post sale rebate, that’s $164/mo.