GYM RATS - How are you guys holding up?!

Not a Dr lol…But i had similar issues when i first started really putting in miles on the road. Former Midfielder in soccer so used to running alot and came out of that with some knee and ankle joint issues. Your most likely slapping the road with that foot and knee as opposed to creating the circle. I switched to trail running when im hurt or slow my tempo down to insure my mechanics are sound.

Same with issues when I added miles. First runners knee and then my achilles that benched me for 6wks.
Turned out it was muscle imbalance that caused my hurt knee and overuse caused my achilles. I added 10-15 mins strength exercises to my routine 3 days/wk either on an off days or before a run. It’s kept me healthy. I was a 4-6 mile runner but now do 7-10 mile runs.
You can find exercises online but it’s basic stuff that you don’t need equipment for.
And don’t underestimate the need for a rest day.
Tip: I stay off the asphalt as much as I can and run on the grass just inside the curb.

I do aerobics with yoga, mix & match. Not going outside at all until this virus situation clears out. We (NYC) are badly hit by it.

Peloton, resistance bands thats it

Agree with you guys.

Once you hit a certain mileage, it’s super common to start making up for muscle fatigue w other muscles.

My hips would always hurt when training for distance because I was changing my gait when getting too tired.

Ha those damn hips! I remember rubbing my thumbs around the bone in the front because of how tender it was. Took me a bit to figure out what was causing that🤣

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exercise bands, jogging, jump rope, shadow-boxing



“I did an ocular pat-down and I cleared him”

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Started Yoga myself and im loving it…I cant wait until the movements are more fluid and im not powering through them.

POS 24 hour fitness is still charging members.

Yeah, to suspend them this month

It takes some time to get more fluid, it took me almost two months and I still get some muscle sore. BTW,

I am Looking for a reasonable lease. Target price is <= $250/mo on a 24 or 36 with 12K/yr. Open to both cars and small SUVs, don’t care too much which make or model it is, provided that it is safe. I’m in NY. Can you please point me in the direction of a few models that are currently a good deal so I can narrow the search a bit?

Thank you and be safe out there.


You should start a thread if you’re interested in doing it yourself or post in the “Wanted” thread otherwise

Yikes. That’s terrible PR!

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I haven’t paid for a gym membership in years for this very reason.I slowly built my own gym because even cancelling one gym to join another is a nightmare.

Funny that you mention this. My gym (New York Sports Club) shutdown and just charged me the membership fee for April. In the meantime, they are offering the use of the plankk studio app and I am planning on doing my 1st virtual yoga class tonight.

I’m a member at 2 gyms and they’ve both been great and suspended billing. Retro Fitness which is $20 a month and Impact Zone for $30 (ridiculously nice gym).

I guess I’m going to have to live without weight lifting for a few more weeks and will have to stick with resistance bands and occasional jogging a few times a week outside. Besides the weather is getting nicer out now.

How I’m dying to get into a squat rack :disappointed:

My orthopedist who just so happens to be a runner as well recommends the POSE method of running for efficiency and less impact on joints. I have been slowly trying to adapt to that running style but its not easy when your used to running a certain way for so long.

I just throw my 6 year old over my shoulder and squat him :slight_smile:

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