Please run as far away from this deal as you can - you could have pretty much any luxury car/truck/SUV out there for $700 a month. The residual and money factor look right, but the sales price isn’t good. You should be able to get another $4,000 or so off the selling price, ideally more with 2018s likely being due out soon.
Without doing a ton of research, you should probably shoot for $1,500 drive off and $550 a month (including sales tax), and that would just be an ok deal. Or you can move to Tennessee and takeover my lease for $450 a month.
I would say these are not good numbers. I’m in Texas and just leased a Denali Ultimate. With rebates and discounts I got 12K off MSRP. I didn’t get down to the $450 per month like some folks on the site but I did get it down to $553 with only first month payment out of pocket. Everything else is rolled into the lease. Including sales tax on the entire purchase price since I’m in Texas.
Banks GMC in New Hampshire will absolutely be this aggressive (sub 5). They’re a terrific dealership based on the last 2 vehicles I leased through them).
As far as I can tell these deals are not happening this month because the incentives do not apply to leasing now.
There is about $5,500 bonus cash that was being applied to leases. that is only available on purchase.
Between the bonus cash and another ~$5k dealer discount these trucks were leasing in the mid $400s.
I have been looking for one in the NE region but havent had much luck.
I was thinking about seeing about getting a 3rd party bank to do the leasing as that might make it eligible for the bonus cash…Not sure the best way to go about it.
Keep us posted on what you find. I know there are 2-3 people in SoCal who are holding out for better deals on the Denali’s so there is interest. I am actually hoping that anyone in Socal could band together and do a group buy to leverage better pricing.
We shall see. Haven’t seen anything compelling yet.
I honestly have no idea how the folks above got some of the deals they mentioned unless they had the $1500-$2000 private offer.
Yesterday, I had a scenario where on a truck MSRP of $59,730, a dealer had confirmed they would do $459 per month including 6.25% MA sales tax with $600 total down on a 39 month/10k mile per year lease.
This includes a GM lease loyalty and educator discount (I think they’re doing supplier pricing for everyone right now).
Later in the day, I went in to put down a deposit and the GM came up to me and said they accidentally included the private offer rebate, which is why it was $459. Needless to say I was ripshit. They offered me the truck at $515 per month. After some serious huffing and puffing, they said the best they could do was $499 per month including 6.25% MA tax and $600 total down.
I told them I would go back tomorrow (today) to wrap it up. In the mean time, I reached out to two other dealers and told them where I was at. Their response was exactly the same: this dealership is losing $3500 on my deal at $499 and they couldn’t touch it.
While I’m upset they screwed me with the $459 that jumped to $499, I felt reassured that 2 other dealers said they couldn’t touch it and I needed to do it.
This poses the question, without the private offer, how is it possible that the two gents above got theirs for mid $400s?
The 17 Denali I got is noticeably nicer than my 16 high country.
I also noticed they went to the Chevy green gauges in it. Wasn’t a deciding factor for me but a lot of folks mention they go GMC for red but mine isn’t.
Some dealers have select trucks with incentives. I went through this on mine last year. its usually the highest volume dealer that has the best pricing. .02