GMC Sierra Denali w/ Ultimate Package 4x4 $450/month

Please run as far away from this deal as you can - you could have pretty much any luxury car/truck/SUV out there for $700 a month. The residual and money factor look right, but the sales price isn’t good. You should be able to get another $4,000 or so off the selling price, ideally more with 2018s likely being due out soon.

Without doing a ton of research, you should probably shoot for $1,500 drive off and $550 a month (including sales tax), and that would just be an ok deal. Or you can move to Tennessee and takeover my lease for $450 a month.

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With the prices of everything in So-Cal that doesn’t seem too far fetched haha. Thanks for the help

People were getting this truck under 500 a few months ago with zero down

I just sent you a private message.

I would say these are not good numbers. I’m in Texas and just leased a Denali Ultimate. With rebates and discounts I got 12K off MSRP. I didn’t get down to the $450 per month like some folks on the site but I did get it down to $553 with only first month payment out of pocket. Everything else is rolled into the lease. Including sales tax on the entire purchase price since I’m in Texas.

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Are I still looking to transfer your lease in Tennessee…I’m very serious … just respond with contact info if u are


Also what dealership in TN did u deal with? Looking for the same truck.

Thks against n

Has anyone gotten a deal like thisin the tristate area?

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Hey Guys,

Banks GMC in New Hampshire will absolutely be this aggressive (sub 5). They’re a terrific dealership based on the last 2 vehicles I leased through them).


If anyone is seeing these kinds of deals in SoCal let me know a dealer and a sales rep? $450/mo is pretty amazing for a Denali Ultimate.


As far as I can tell these deals are not happening this month because the incentives do not apply to leasing now.

There is about $5,500 bonus cash that was being applied to leases. that is only available on purchase.
Between the bonus cash and another ~$5k dealer discount these trucks were leasing in the mid $400s.

I have been looking for one in the NE region but havent had much luck.
I was thinking about seeing about getting a 3rd party bank to do the leasing as that might make it eligible for the bonus cash…Not sure the best way to go about it.


thanks @planelove !

Keep us posted on what you find. I know there are 2-3 people in SoCal who are holding out for better deals on the Denali’s so there is interest. I am actually hoping that anyone in Socal could band together and do a group buy to leverage better pricing.

We shall see. Haven’t seen anything compelling yet.

Hey All,

Writing from Massachusetts here.

I honestly have no idea how the folks above got some of the deals they mentioned unless they had the $1500-$2000 private offer.

Yesterday, I had a scenario where on a truck MSRP of $59,730, a dealer had confirmed they would do $459 per month including 6.25% MA sales tax with $600 total down on a 39 month/10k mile per year lease.

This includes a GM lease loyalty and educator discount (I think they’re doing supplier pricing for everyone right now).

Later in the day, I went in to put down a deposit and the GM came up to me and said they accidentally included the private offer rebate, which is why it was $459. Needless to say I was ripshit. They offered me the truck at $515 per month. After some serious huffing and puffing, they said the best they could do was $499 per month including 6.25% MA tax and $600 total down.

I told them I would go back tomorrow (today) to wrap it up. In the mean time, I reached out to two other dealers and told them where I was at. Their response was exactly the same: this dealership is losing $3500 on my deal at $499 and they couldn’t touch it.

While I’m upset they screwed me with the $459 that jumped to $499, I felt reassured that 2 other dealers said they couldn’t touch it and I needed to do it.

This poses the question, without the private offer, how is it possible that the two gents above got theirs for mid $400s?

Needless to say I now have the lease all signed.

499 include one pay?

Not sure I understand the question

Any word of deals like this in florida?

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Maybe end of this month on any remaining 17s?

6.2s seem to be more plentiful.

Maybe because they call for premium?

The 17 Denali I got is noticeably nicer than my 16 high country.

I also noticed they went to the Chevy green gauges in it. Wasn’t a deciding factor for me but a lot of folks mention they go GMC for red but mine isn’t.

Some dealers have select trucks with incentives. I went through this on mine last year. its usually the highest volume dealer that has the best pricing. .02