Funniest/most ridiculous dealer replies you've ever gotten

I understand the scenario. But I can’t tell you how many times when I worked for Audi/BMW that someone said I will be in tonight at X% off MSRP and when I agree to their deal, suddenly they need to talk to their wife or now they can’t come in tonight but in 5 days and they can’t leave a deposit.


Here’s a fun one. This template gets sent to me every few months and they always get the same reply.


We see these all the time, same response from every one of my salespeople. I wonder if any salespeople out there actually respond.


When I was a greenpea I would but even if you offer 50% off they are told to tell you they have a better offer and to rebid.


I wonder what website is listing that as the one easy trick that car dealers hate to get a great price.


Didn’t you see samples here, on LH? LOL


Best part too “As we discussed on the phone” yet they never called


I’ve definitely seen that attitude here, but not the form letter readily available

When I was a greenpea at Cadillac I was trained by seasoned stereo-typical salespeople that sold GM in the 70s and 80s. They taught me how to deal with customers like this within the first week lol

That was the only time I’ve ever seen a salesperson throw trade keys on the roof. I challenged him and said he wouldn’t do it… he did it. Also the same guy that bought me a cheap handle of Vodka and a pack of cigarettes for Christmas when I was 18 despite me not smoking or drinking lol


There were a few posted, not exactly as in @Cody_Carter’s post, but still close enough. Dealers can see a template email, even not as stupid as that one.

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I would lose it if that happened to me in your position. Probably why I can’t do any form of sales…

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i do use my wife as an excuse all the time, everyone must think she’s the worst person on the planet though that’s the complete opposite. she’s usually the one saying why are you trying to buy that, get something nicer. happened to me recently, was going to pull the trigger on a genesis and she asked me why i want a glorified hyundai. felt bad wasting the salesguys time, but she saves me from myself most of the time.


While I understand why these types of things justifiably get thrown in the circular filing bin, I’m left wondering what (if any) value there might be in a legitimate service that acted kind of like a LendingTree, etc which allowed multiple dealers to submit bids to a potential lead, based on a particular trim, features, etc that they were looking for? I could see it being potentially useful but I could also see it becoming a complete shitshow on both sides.

Yeah, I mean, thats just crappy when people do that. Anytime I sent an offer email saying I’m ready to go immediately if they can meet the deal, I actually mean it, if its a local dealer I will say that I will come in same day and finalize, if its a few hours away, I tell them I will do both a credit app and a deposit immediately, and to give me a few days to get together a ride to the dealer.


Isn’t that more or less what TrueCar pretends to offer?

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I can’t imagine the patience it took for dealerships to deal with me before I found Leasehackr and understood how things work. I would literally take an advertised deal, chop off anything other than the monthly payment, and then scale it proportionately for the car I wanted… somehow I ended up with cars, but I’m sure nobody liked hearing from me and I never got a completely snarky response.

That is why you smell like poop?


I suppose? But I’m referring to a model where it would actually happen. 100 mile radius, pick make, model, trim, perhaps color and options desired if you want to be picky. You don’t get the name of the dealer until you agree to their offer. Offer would be based on total out the door pricing including incentives you qualify for.

I suppose I could see a platform that was a value to dealers working similarly.

My idea would be a platform where you have to pay a small fee to ask for bids (nothing major, but something small just so that there is a barrier to entry and the leads aren’t total junk). You go in, and theres some things asking whats most important to you, etc, and then blast that out to all the dealer partners on the platform to bid in on the deal if they want to. Could be interesting. Various dealers have reasons why they might want to move a particular car at particular times, so I could see it being valuable.

EDIT: I suppose to make it even more valuable to dealers you could possibly ask the people seeking bids to allow a soft credit pull, although I’m sure there are regulations around sharing that info, you’d probably need to class them in tiers to say to a dealer “hey this lead is a Tier A credit and is asking for…”


We need a new thread…“Funny/ridiculous customer replies you’ve ever gotten”

There was one time my manager told a customer he’d rather light the car on fire than sell it at that price. She didn’t’ see the humor in it. Lol