Funniest/most ridiculous dealer replies you've ever gotten

That is a legitimate concern for most dealers. Dealers have been sued for quoting women or POC at higher prices than men or white individuals. Most of the time there isn’t any ill intent, just rather how nice that person is and what type of mood the manager is in.

I understand that can happen, but over the phone or email you have no idea what my race is, I suppose someone could make guesses but what’s the point? I guess quoting everyone MSRP solves that problem by penalizing everyone :sweat_smile:


You know how you make sure someone isn’t discriminating based on race? You refuse to quote in a situation where you can’t actually tell their race and have them come in person so you can make sure you can judge in person what their race is so you know you’re not using it as a factor.


So it’s ok for them to do it in person but not online or over the phone? Goes to show how far some dealers need to go to be respected.

I thought about your comment and I believe you are trying to claim that I am/dealers are okay with discrimination in person but not over the phone, which first let me say discrimination in any form is never ok, and I don’t believe my comment was even remotely suggesting that. I am just stating that discrimination is a concern for some dealers when providing initial quotes with discounts. Let me add that it is an industry where particularly women can feel/are taken advantage of and there is an expectation/stereotype that they need a man present to get a better deal. So the lawyers will tell management to start everyone at MSRP to cover their ass.

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I’d like to chime in here and mention that I do preach to my team regularly that everyone should be treated well regardless of name, accent, ethnicity, etc.

I have found that culture, not ethnicity, can play a big role in how someone negotiates. It is just something salespeople have to get used to and handle professionally.


Don’t culture and ethnicity go together? Asians probably negotiate differently from Indians or Russians.

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Asian negotiating in my household is - I want a car - this is the list - go do it, I’ll sign whatever you want.


It was generalization, of course :point_up:

Yes and no. I have noticed a generational difference between how first generation immigrants vs. second/third generations. Usually the later generations have a more “American” style of negotiation compared to their older relatives that have experience negotiating in their homeland. Obviously this does not apply to everyone, but it is just interesting to experience.

Also think of it this way. A Russian can go to a market in China and negotiate with vendors in a traditionally Chinese manner. However, that same Russian could not identify ethnically as Chinese. Culture can be learned while ethnically is given.


Not necessarily. A lot of it is related to household values and how someone is raised versus where the customers originated from.


Yes, agree. And with @wam22. I was thinking in very general terms - every ethnicity has its own culture.

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It’s crazy salesmanship. Not sure why they need to do this drama to start with.

This can be a whole thread by itself. Haggling is not really cultural but where you have lived and the customs in that part of the country. Recently I have seen price matching in Mortgages as well.

I think I’ll have plenty to share today!

Aside from the fact he asks where I live, my original request states “I won’t be coming in, I’ll be doing this deal remotely and shipping the vehicle.”


Good one. Probably, because they know you will give them the best price and no haggling needed :slight_smile:


What IS it about asking for a credit app to even get a quote? I’ve never seen this before until I started reaching out to Chevy dealers on an LT1. I told them they were crazy if I was going to let them pull credit just for a quote…do people actually let them do that?

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They are probably in subprime markets, so they need to verify the customer can get bought before working a deal. And others could just be old school but my money is on subprime locations.