Funniest/most ridiculous dealer replies you've ever gotten

Rookie mistake


Customer - “I want to pay XXX for this Odyssey”
Me - “I will have to pass unfortunately, a 21% discount on an Odyssey is not possible”
Customer - “Anything is possible”
Me - “Is it possible for you to pay more for this Odyssey?”
Customer - :rage:




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Dealer: We put in writing that we will match or beat any dealership’s price on an in stock vehicle, so we will NEVER be undersold.
Me: Heres a copy of the signed vehicle contract, can we agree on the same terms to purchase today on an identical instock unit?
Dealer: Michael Scott Voice “NO, JUST NO”


The reaction.


This was truly one of the funniest texts ever. I remember reading that and everyone on our entire team was dying! Especially since BMW of Encinitas (who the text was from) is in our market. :rofl:

That’s the best!


As the Internet Overlord sometimes you have to give the customer a good slap. My rap name is Chance the Slapper.


The one I get most often is “I can’t even get that discount as an employee!”. I laugh every time I hear/read that line. I wonder if it is part of a sale script somewhere.


isn’t that how most LH deals are accomplished until a salesperson gets broken from the harassment

Sometimes it’s true. I run a lot of loser deals for LH and they won’t lose money on employees. Employee handbook is $100 over invoice


You mean to tell me that in real life you wouldn’t be able to get the same discounts on “the loser deals for LH”?

This is super common. I think the only exception is when there are special deals straight from the manufacturer making you eligible for an employee lease.

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100%. My Mirai deal was a +1700. My Tundra was a 0; My Highlander was +550. Store policy is to not lose money on employees


Honda Dealerships don’t have any special pricing for employees (well, it is up to each dealership I suppose). My General Sales Manager’s deal he gave himself was only negative $200. If you work for Corporate Honda you get a voucher that gives a ridiculous discount, though.

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I broker deals for a good portion of the sales folks I work with at stores.

Especially if they work for a large parent company with 40 stores across various brands. Usually their employee deals are easy to beat.

Some brands, definitely not, though.

BMW employee deals always sound super strong!


Don’t be fooled. @Cody_Carter said it best. There’s plenty of LH deals I’ve done that were better than a CEL (Center Employee Lease). Pretty much anything in the Trophy Garage would qualify.


Sounds like employee deals are terrible and definitely not LH worthy.

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Unless you work for corporate. I used to know a couple of Porsche guys that were getting killer 1-year or 2-year leases…

I went $1,250 behind invoice on my Tacoma. Funny, I LHed mine.


One time a dealer got mad at me for test driving a non-Msport equipped model when I wanted to get Msport on the car…even though they didn’t have one with that package in stock at the time :rofl: