Edmunds Moderators

Who are these Edmunds moderators? I see the same 2 names on every forum… do they just sit around all day and provide MFs and RVs?

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They are lease hackers’ best friends :smile:


What’s with the condescending attitude towards people who provide a valuable service?


I wonder too as to why they aren’t replaced by bots already…or are they?

It’s not condescending. I’m wondering who they are, how they get all of their information, and how they have time to answer the hundreds or thousands of posts.


They are doing such an awesome service to all of us :slight_smile:

replacing with bots may need some structure in place to make the BOT read the comment correctly.

Yes, that’s an interesting question.

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Yes why doesn’t edmunds just have a drop down box with all the RV MF for given cars. Why do you have to post to get this info. Seems ancient.

Because the terms of the data they provide prohibit that


That’s right.

Tools exist to automate this process but it’s prohibited.

Even dealer desking systems are ancient like Reynolds. You need to plug the same data in every single time you do a deal. It’s wild.

A friend of mine created a tool that automates these processes and sells it to dealers. Sold it to truecar for $27M a couple of years ago


Where do they get their info from?

Car dealers are stuck in the 90’s. Just like their dot matrix printers.

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Not all of them. Last time I leased I sign on a glass table, all touch screen. In the end you get a usb containing all the pdfs, I was impressed.


I saw that 2 years ago at a Honda dealer…signed the desk…lol…pretty cool.

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Maybe they do. Maybe Edmunds pays them both 200k/yr.

Does it really matter one way or another?


Tough forum…

I just see it as a very weird practice. Would have thought that things would have changed since 2001 when the legends Michaell and Kyfdx started providing info.

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I’m sure if they had the option to just publish the numbers, they would.

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Well why don’t they? Who is withholding this information and why.

This has already been discussed. They are paying for the right to access this information and it’s stipulated in contract they cannot openly publish all the numbers.

Edmunds does a huge service for the community, I don’t understand what the problem is or why it matters how they get or how they post it.


The captives are the ones “withholding” the information. It’s their info, and their choice as to how or when it’s disseminated.

And, as I’m sure there will be some that complain it’s such an archaic system, they should just post the info, they are all slimy, blah blah blah, from their perspective, it’s wise to keep these numbers under wraps, and each and every person complaining would do the same if you were in their shoes to attempt to protect profit. You’re kidding yourself if you think you wouldn’t.