E-Tron GT - $107k MSRP - $650 Effective Monthly All In

Hey Everyone,

While in search of a reasonable family SUV I somehow managed to sign a lease for a 2023 E-Tron GT…I couldn’t be happier, it’s a truly awesome car!

Deal Details

MSRP: $107,215

Dealer Discount: $16,082 (15%)
Incentives: $20,000

Purchase Price: $71,133
Residual Value: $68,618 (64% - includes 1% bump for Audi Care)

Term: 24 Months
Mileage: 7,500

Money Factor: .0027 (.0004 Dealer Markup - .0005 24 month One Pay MF Reduction)

$895 Acquisition Fee
$899 Audi Care
$300 Dealer Fee

Total One Pay Pmt: $17,145 - effective $714 monthly.

I couldn’t quite get the calculator to line up with the One Pay amount so I had to fudge the dealer fees by $600. I kinda stopped worrying about everything tying out when I got this car close to $700 a month.

All in all I’m super happy with the deal and the dealer was great to work with. Before anyone asks, this deal cannot be replicated. They only had one E-Tron GT on the lot.

In a later reply I noted a refund of $1,537 that took my effective payment to $650 per month.


A couple pictures for everyone’s viewing pleasure. I love the Suzuka Gray and was lucky to find it in my preferred spec.


Excellent deal. Make sure you ask for at least $500 from all the incredulous brokers who will be pounding down your door in 5…4…3…2…


I’ve been trying to chase down a very similar deal. Would you be willing to share details on dealer, etc?


taycan hiding somewhere from LHers


Congrats! Amazing deal. You really can’t go wrong. I wish they had a 12 month term with a good residual on these or that Audi’s lease transfer policy didn’t suck. I’d love to drive one for a year just to experience it.

@NEMESIS9 he mentioned in the OP it’s only 1 car.

@David_Anthony this is believable, there is extra money on the backend that makes this number more realistically possible depending on region and circumstances.


No GTs left on the lot and sounds like they aren’t getting any anytime soon.

My salesman is cool with me sharing his contact info if anyone is looking for a different Audi and is cool with picking up in the Midwest. This was truly the best dealership experience I’ve had, so I can’t recommend them enough. DM me if you want his info!

i will annoy-DM everyone for that Taycan


E tron GT looks so good


If someone figures out a sub-$1k deal on a Taycan I may need one of those too…


amazing deal

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Congrats on the vehicle and deal! I really wanted to love the E-tron GT because of how amazing it looks and the deals on them but I don’t think I could live with getting in and out of it on a daily basis.

Love the car, and trust me when i say this, etron is way better than eqs. Hell I’d pay 300/mo more than my eqs for it


I totally get that. I’m a rather big dude and getting in and out takes some contortion. The good news is it’s actually pretty roomy in the front seats once you make it into the car. Also, once I’m in it I don’t really want to get back out, so that partially addresses the concern haha


Haha good point! Enjoy the drive and congrats again on the smokin’ deal.

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It barely fits car seats in the back so I’m guessing you still have another hack in your near future. For such a large car on the outside it’s amazing how small it is inside.

As for getting in and out the trick is to just kind of fall in and pray on your way down.


In for 10- sell it to LHERS and poker broker fees mwahhahahaha


Great deal! The car come with tint?

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Fantastic deal . I will Venmo you $200 if your car was originated from a southern California dealer . Simply email
Me your contract , cross off your personal info but leave the VIN untouched.



Wisconsin, California :hot_face: