Denied insurance

Even The General?!


I received a quote from The General this am…


Progressive is $4400.


They gotta pay Shaq somehow :joy:


Also be on the look out for a letter saying you were uninsured for x days so you can’t drive from XXX to XXX, your agent should handle that but be on the lookout before a very bored upstate Town/Village cop with 400k in cameras decides to full Rambo. :heart:NY

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It’s a lease car and it doesn’t sound like the agents don’t want to help as soon as find out the claims I have

Also important to note that an insurance lapse is a huge no no on your history. Tried the LLC ?

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If you can’t make the deadline, perhaps you could buy some time and rent a car for up to 42 days and pay $20 for insurance over the duration from Amex Premium Rental Car Protection.

Of course this doesn’t solve your gap in coverage problem, but it could be Band-Aid if can’t go without driving while you figure this out.

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I’m not familiar with how the LLC goes

Open an LLC and get a commercial Auto policy

Some i’ve looked at previously don’t cover vehicles that aren’t owned by the LLC.

And in NY, that policy has to cover OP’s vehicle to keep it registered.

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I can do that in the middle of my lease?

Friend recently got kicked out of the top tier of his insurance company because his kid has totaled two cars. He called them and is now insured with one of their lower subsidiers for more money! You could try that.

I thought NY has an assigned risk pool?

Did you get the accident reports? Are you listed as the first or second driver? My understanding in NY if you are first you are considered more at fault.

When one of my kids was rear ended I did notify my insurance but went through the other drivers (100% their liability since rear ended). Even so he used to drive for his school (when his team would rent cars to get to team games, the university would pay for the rental as long as you were preapproved by them), after the accident he was not approved to drive for the university. I pulled the accident report from DMV ($10 or so) and sent it to the school showing he was not at fault and they approved him again. They had found the record of the accident when they ran his license but I guess not the details

I am paying too much for an umbrella. Any suggestions for umbrella companies that will insure you without also insuring your home or auto? It is not based on accidents or anything, although I have a number of drivers in my house

Claims you are involved in personally, and on property that you insure stay on your CLUE report for 7 years. Different states/insurers may have a shorter consideration window, but they are there — including coverage limits and what was paid.

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Yes. Of course carrier needs to be fine with personal owned vehicle but shouldn’t be an issues in most cases


liability + full cover (comp + coll) = $20,470

liability + comp only = $10,902

liability only = $6280

Finally 1 agent got back to me and it doesn’t look good. I don’t know what else can I do

@Jumbo1275 - Have you done this?

Are these quotes for a full year?

Why not get rid of the BMW and find a cheaper car? Your other option is to get coverage through this agent.

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Get the coverage, suck it up, and don’t get into any accidents for a while.

You need full coverage to be in compliance with your lease. So your options are (a) pay the $$$ for full coverage, or (b) get rid of the car and buy something cash and then you’re free to get liability only

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What happens if I just get liability?