DealSmith January GENESIS - GV80 ONLY AT MSRP - 3 Available

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Just putting this up to see if there is any interest, it seems that MSRP is the about the best you’re going to do on the GV80 for now, so I am putting this up and will delete this thread when and if they sell. No broker fee obviously, really just passing these on in case anyone is looking for one at MSRP.

I have 3 GV80’s ready to go at MSRP. Shipping available at your expense. No sale to MA or CA.

I have:

  1. 3.5T Base Model - No added options
  2. 2.5T Prestige - Has advanced package
  3. 3.5T Prestige - Has advanced package

PM me if you’re interested and would like window stickers/color combos/etc.

You can also feel free to call or text 516-660-9258


Worth me adding this since I’ve already gotten a bunch of PM’s almost all asking about lease “deals”.

These do not lease well. Even at base MF. These make much more sense to buy if you just have to have it.

Come on…No Hyundai is worth buying, especially at MSRP.


They are very nice.

I’d consider one at a decent discount I think.

But there are people looking, so here I am. Do I think it’s great? No. Is there a market? Yes.

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He’s several thousands cheaper than the genesis dealer that dropped a g70 loaner at sub 270 with inceptions, that may be apples to oranges but the first statement stands.

Now I’m not criticizing him, but the market. Obviously if they don’t sell, they’ll be discounted.

I think like the Palisade and Telluride, this will probably sit at or around MSRP for awhile.

As you said, it’s just the market. I wouldn’t lease one or buy one at MSRP, but like anything else, I’m just providing an offer. It’s up to a willing buyer to accept it.


While I tend to agree, is it possible to:

  • include what msrp is for each? (even if XXX after the comma)
  • include a sample lease on the cheapest one? Just for illustration.
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I’ll do that tomorrow. It ain’t pretty.

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It’ll at least be good for a chuckle.


This is the one time you can just use the dealer lease estimator tool on the website and get an accurate number.


I’m surprised that some markets actually are getting $1500 in in lease cash on this already.

Looks like mf around .00180 and a rv around 58% for a 36/12. Could be worse.

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I guess I don’t get the point. These are available at MSRP everywhere, so why wouldn’t you just buy one from a local dealership?

A lot of dealers are marking these up significantly

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@Justin_B What he said ^

@mllcb42 @jeisensc

Have a giggle:

That’s on a 3.5T AWD Base.

Personally, for this to make sense in a lease for me, they’d need to lower the MF by at least half, bump the incentives 1-2k, and then you’d need 8-10% off.

If we look at this as if it was a Palisade, as that’s the closest Hyundai surrogate, incentives won’t move a whole lot, rv may end up actually going up a little, and select dealers will eventually end up discounting.

That’d eventually put you somewhere around here:

Still a lot, but better than what a lot of people are paying for tellurides still. It’s certainly no $900 pilot.

That wouldn’t be horrible.

I’m going to take another in-depth look at one soon, not to buy, but just to evaluate and see what I think. It’s possible that it feels so premium and drives so well that it might be worth the number in your calculator. My last look at one was quick.

There’s definitely going to be a lot of expectation setting with the vehicle. We see people here often saying “well yah, but I can get an x5 for the same price.” I’m genuinely curious if, ignoring the branding and assuming one isn’t prioritizing a sporty dynamic that isn’t for everyone, is the x5 really is a nicer vehicle dollar for dollar. You look at some of the online reviews and see people talking about the Bentayga being a closer comparison for overall fit and finish, etc. How much of that is purely bloviating.

I’ll post up my thoughts once I get over to my dealer to see it.

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I would most likely lease this before a x5 40i. Given pricing the same