Dealer Screwed Me Over After I submitted all Financing Information (Looking for Options)

On Saturday I had a deal on a vehicle and submitted my credit app driver’s license and all the required information. The salesman said he was out until Wednesday and he would contact me to arrange delivery.

Today he called and said they cannot do the deal because I didn’t take the car on Saturday before the end of the day and the deals have changed.

I would expect more from a Mercedes Benz dealer let alone the only Corporate owned dealership in the country.

Deals change at the end of every month. Unless a dealer says they will hold a deal, it is your responsibility to take the deal before month’s end


When the salesman said he would be out until Wednesday, did you ask if the deal would still be accepted? Did you ask if someone else could handle the deal?

If you’re trying to do a deal before the month ends, you need to be proactive.

What you should’ve expected is that he told you that after Sunday the deal wasn’t guaranteed.

Esstupid post - learn first - spitfast later

When a conman screws someone over they do it without them knowing

Trust that if he knew/ wanted to screw you over you wouldn’t know

Your only options are to renegotiate the deal or walk away.

There is no way to use old programs unless MBFS has a special program (i.e. they submitted your credit app last month and you were approved, so you can use those programs/approval for 30 days).


Why is it a stupid post?

After I filled everything out he sent the following. How would I expect the deal not to be done?

“I will be back in the office on Wednesday. We can plan when you’d like to pick it up
I will email you a credit application shortly”

Iz can’t splain- you no submit e creditz appplicaaation befor ze month end

How u say no understand

Call the GM and raise holey whatfor that the dealer abandoned you.

I plan on doing that tomorrow especially when he says

“That works out great. I just sent you the credit application link via email.
Please text me a clear picture front and back of your drivers license. Thank you.”

and then today I get

" The programs for April have changed
36 months
10,000 miles per year
2459 out of pocket
986.59 a month"

I’ve had a dealer ‘abandon me’ before, but I just went to a new dealer. All programs end at the end of the month so his ‘lets talk weds’ is unacceptable.

My fav is the one who I contacted, they said they would contact me later that day, 3 weeks later they asked about the car I wanted, and I said ‘oh the one I bought the NEXT day since you abandoned me?’ and I called their GM to complain.

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Can’t give a 1 on the survey if you don’t buy a car…


I purchased multiple Mercedes from this place and I already have two of them. I am just taken back by this.

Go, in, talk to GM (He’s usually the best dressed there), and ask for a larger discount to offset the change in Terms.

What was the agreed deal?

Here was the deal, and everything was done over text and email so I have all the documentation. However, it sounds like that may not matter.

36 months
10 K miles per year
714.57 a month
2186.20 out of pocket

What were the lease programs? What was your target deal with last month’s programs?

What did they change to for this month? With the same discount as your original target deal, what is your target deal now?

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Called to complain about a deal you never had? Ok Karen.

Bro, I had the deal, filled out the credit app, and sent in all the information.