Deal check: Kia EV9 Land


Thoughts on this price for EV9 Land in Virginia?

MSRP: 74,315
Sale: 62,377
24/10 = 815/mo

Doc fee: 500
Tag/Title: 299
VA taxes: 2,590

You can use this as a data point:

You need to separate the discounts from the incentives to compare

You can easily get an extra 3k off from that price.

What incentives are they applying with this deal – need to differentiate that based on dealer-based discounts.

How? This is the best price so far after talking to three dealers.

The price above includes kids rebate of 7500 and dealer discount of 4438

Your $4438 discount leaves a lot of room for improvement.

You should also try to target a unit that qualifies for the extra $1500 vin specific incentive.

See above.

Also, spend 30 minutes here to read some recents posts on this car.

Be prepared to spam at least 20 dealers and present your offer proactively.

3 dealers is a rookie number.

Mind helping me understand this?

I found a car with the VIN discount.

MSRP 72315
Sale price 59,199
taxes 2560.22
acquisition fee 650
rebate 9800
net cap cost 65,827.00
dealer 2% fee 1379.98
tag, tittle and licence fee 150.50
payment 850

when I told them to take off the dealer fee, they agreed, but said the monthly payment would only drop by $13 (837). I’m in VA where we have to pay taxes up front. My monthly payment seems higher than it should be. They won’t give me the residual and money factor over email and we’ve failed to connect via phone for three days now. What should I be prepared for when I finally reach him on the phone?

Thanks so much for any assistance.

You need to put together a target deal so you know what you’re trying to get to. I can tell you already that discount needs a lot of improvement. It’s worse than the one you had before.

Yeah, the other one sold. The cars seem to be selling ok in my area, making the dealers hard to negotiate with. Except this one I posted above has been on the lot for five months.

I just had a dealer hang up on me. And it was for a car on his lot over four months. This is not a fun process. I told him the price I was trying to get to. He said his best was 4k over what I’m looking for. Then he got mad when I told him I already had a better offer than that.

Most dealers are going to say no. Most are going to have pricing that doesn’t meet what you want. That’s fine. Thank them for their time and move on. No need to take anything personally.


Exactly. Just need 1 to say yes.


How’s this deal look for a Land? Not included is plus
~2700 in taxes (4.15%, VA makes you pay on full sale price). Edmunds says the rebate should be 13k for this area/lease, but the dealer said they didn’t know anything about that. I suggested they reach out to Kia finance and they said they already had. Is there anything more I should do? How’s the deal even if I don’t get the full 13k rebate?

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Did you check edmunds for your zip or the dealer’s zip? Kia programs go off dealer location

Both. Both zips were 13k.

Looks great to me, especially if you get the extra 2k

Given some people seem content to pay over $800 a month for these, this looks like a bargain.

That’s a low bar, considering all the times people have overpaid like a EQS for $1,000+ for example.

And the quote doesn’t include $2,700 in taxes.

Maybe it’s a good deal, IDK I haven’t been tracking this month’s discount and rebate levels. But we need a better benchmark