Deal Check Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4XE


Looking to see if this is a good deal. Located in Pennsylvania. Dealer would not let me use my 1000 dollar off email I got on the website. It’s my first lease so a little unfamiliar. Thanks!
My Zip is 15209.

This is a horrible deal


Run with your middle finger high in the air as you exit.


When I was doing the math with the residual and money factor I found, it was around 600. Does that look about right? Shame because this salesman was a family friend…

He’s not even in the ballpark. Find a better friend. Below is just one example from one of the great brokers on this site.

Hi there! @Tommygun7821 Don’t feel cheated by your family friend, I have been in the industry for over 10 years now, most of those years spent in sales management for dealerships. Perspective is everything, is invoice a good deal on a Wrangler? In certain markets and with certain perspectives, sure, is it the best deal out there? Hard nope, but many salesman are completely unfamiliar with what is truly out there on a national or even regional scale. Additionally, if he is just the salesman he may have zero idea on what he is actually presenting, the sales managers are almost always the ones pulling the strings and know what the numbers truly represent. Lastly, and not beneficially, family/friend referrals are unfortunately often the most preyed upon clients in the dealership world because their guards are down and they are trusting. 9/10 a family or friend referral will trust their salesman at their word and trust the deal is a fair deal without negotiating or negotiating much.

Now your numbers appear to be at MSRP with just incentives and they are likely keeping your $1k coupon for profit so either this salesman is naively unaware of anything numbers-wise with what they are providing you or they are seeing an easy deal to close and not working hard for your business. Either way, if you want a much better deal drop us an inquiry (no cost or obligation) and connect with my rep Nathan, if your dealer can beat or match our deal, you got yourself a guarantee great deal. If they can’t - you still have a phenomenal deal thru us.

Good luck and hope to speak with you soon!
