Deal check - IONIQ 6 SEL (onepay lease)

I just received a quote on onepay lease for SEL AWD. Would be my first lease so still learning. Here are specs and attempt in calculator. Looks close. This does not include DE tax, which I’m pretty sure is just 1.99%. Worth pursuing?

One-Pay / DAS $8,223.23
24 months / 12,000 miles
MSRP $52,820
discount $5500
gross cap cost $47,320
taxed incentives $7500
net cap cost $39,820
residual 64% $33,804.80
difference $6,015.20
money factor 0.00009
rent charge(?) $159.03
depreciation + rent charge $6,174.23
monthly payment (depreciation + rent charge) $257.26
onepay lease $6,174.23
govt fees (untaxed) $500
acquisition fee (taxed) $650
dealer fee (taxed) $899
Total cost $8,623.23



Looks like a deal from Autocompanion. Numbers look right. if you can get loyalty discount that would make the deal even better. It would require you to own an Hyundai or get someone who owns a Hyundai to cosign with you on the lease.

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Yes autocompanion. Still don’t know the color and want silver, white, red. No black. No loyalty applies, but need to check with immediate family. Though I’m not sure I’d want them on the lease. Will investigate.

How is the tax applied, ie. a percentage of what term/amount? Lease payment amount?

Tax treatment on leases varies from state to state so you would have to check for DE. The tax figure from AutoCompanion is not going to be the final figure but it should get you close enough to help you decide if you would move forward or not.

I dont see any red left out of the ten cars that remains unsold on the list.

I have a black one even though they are a pain to keep clean.

Just checked their spreadsheet. Three with white exterior. I believe the acronyms indicate two w/ black seats, one w/ grey. I’ll give thumbs up to the white with grey seats provided tax is applied to lease payment amount.

Delaware has no state sales tax. The county where I reside is the only one in the state with a local sales tax, 6%. It appears that a doc fee of 4.25% also applies. Hope to soon know more how taxes are imposed.

This seems like the best deal on anything right now. The one pay really makes it attractive. Not many situations currently for really small depreciation and virtually no interest - especially on a short term lease. I’m contemplating a similar transaction on a lower msrp RWD model. Just test drove one and it really drives well.

Agree this appears to be a good deal right now for reasons you cite. I’ve been most interested in SE extended range RWD. That version is a unicorn here in the east. I’ve seen enough reviews to know that I’d do 24 month lease without having driven one. Have time today to visit a dealer while out of state on business travel. Maybe I’ll ask them to match this deal!

Just back from a test drive. Nice car. Salesperson was highly skeptical I could secure the deal.

Is autocompanion reliable? The deal sounds too good to be true, and infrequent terse emails doesn’t bode well.

Apologies we are very backed up. Hence the infrequent responses. Our team is working from 7am to midnight to keep up with demand.

Please visit our review page for client experiences.

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I understand the high demand, and I don’t need a transaction to occur at the drop of the proverbial hat. It’s just that the process is unfamiliar to me, and as I said, the terms quoted seem out of ordinary, MF in particular. But I appreciate the response and will see how it goes.

ps - I’m driving a 2014 Leaf that gets 60 highway miles on a full charge. Have put 1600 miles on it this month. Friends and family think I’m bonkers. Probably right. Upgrade forthcoming.

That’s insane that you’re still driving that leaf. I had a 2015 Spark EV with similar range, but I returned the lease in 2018. The deal is legit. Most dealers won’t do $5500 off msrp because the dealer makes no money on the individual sale. Volume dealers, however, get manufacturer bonuses when they meet certain volume goals.

I believe there is a 14 day wait after being funded. So I’m guessing this is how it would go:

  • Fill out a AutoCompanions request form and pay $100 retainer
  • Wait…
  • AutoCompanions locks in the car that you want, and you pay the broker fee balance
  • Wait…
  • AutoCompanions sends you the dealer contact
  • You contact the dealer, sign the lease electronically and pay the dealer the one-pay amount
  • Wait 14 days
  • Take a train/plane to DC, pick up your car, and drive back the DE using free EA charging

You can probably have it shipped. Anyhow, it seems too good to be true, and you’re getting an unbelievable deal, but you have to be very patient. Not everyone is patient. That’s why people just walk into their nearest dealer, pay msrp with some add-ons and compliments about your baby, and drive off with their new car.


“It’s insane that you’re still driving that Leaf…but be patient” :smile:

My friends say I’m too frugal, but I’m not buying it!

Thanks for articulating the process.

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Looks like a great deal. How do you even get the 0.00009 mf?

I assume this is a rhetorical question.

No… i’m really curious. Sorry if it sounds rhetorical.

Sorry, I’m just pulling your leg…

The following is based on my experience on two completed deals (one for myself, one for a friend) and a pending deal (for family member). I picked up both of the completed deals. Here’s my experience

  • Fill out a AutoCompanions request form and pay $100 retainer
  • Wait a day or two
  • AutoCompanions locks in the car that you want, and you pay the broker fee balance
  • Wait a day or two
  • AutoCompanions copies you on an email to the dealer contact with details about your deal.
  • Dealer contact reaches out to you to have you fill out credit application. You fill it out and you would send loyalty coupon information which is current Hyundai registration (if applicable), a copy of your ID and a copy of your insurance information.
  • Broker contact compiles your information and structures the deal in their system. You confirm the date when you would come pick up the car and when the contact will be done with his process. (please give him 7-14 days to get this done. The contact has many deals that he’s trying to get done and working 12+ hours a day to get this done.
    Typically if you are picking up the car, you would digitally sign the documents at the dealership and pay the one pay lease fee at the dealership. This takes about 2 hours from arrival to departure. If you are having the car transported then they will fedex you the documents and you will then sign and return with payment.
  • Take a train/plane to DC, pick up your car, and drive back the DE using free EA charging–YES!!!

I agree with your summary 100% that patience pays dividends here. We’re getting a great deal on these cars. I was also initially nervous about this deal being too good to be true but I rolled the dice and it paid off. I don’t send family and friends down a rabbit hole for deals unless I am confident that it’s repeatable which this deal is.


See my response regarding my two and soon to be three deals that I have closed with AutoCompanion on the Ioniq 6. Feel free to PM if you have questions. I am happy to help if I can.’