Deal Check: Chevy Bolt Los Angeles Calculator Question

Gm educator for healthcare frontline workers, or first responders?

I’ve upgraded to a premier, but I’m having problems making the calculator work with the dealer numbers. what am I doing wrong?

Calculator says 268+tax=294

dealer says price is 230.95+9.5% tax = 252.23
bottom line 0 down, 0 drive off, 252.23/month -
One pay 7725
New deal : Chevy Bolt Premier Drivers Confidence 2 and DC Fast Charge

MSRP 43955
dealer price 39362
10.4% off msrp
36 month
12k miles
50 residual
mf .00053
taxed incentives 11,550 (1500 loyalty +3000 costco + 5750 + 300 supplier)**
non-taxable - 0
0 drive off check capitalize all payments
(Not sure what’s an “inception fee” so I guessed in the calculator it included the drive off fees?)
Inception Fee 1493
-aquisition fee (695)
-dealer fee (85)
-govt fees (713?)
yes tax is levied on monthly payment
post sale rebates 0

(I’m a healthcare worker, but I don’t think that’s a discount anymore.)
@ElectricEliminator @ethanrs @derekoh1991 @chevysalesgirl @Jon @alphawave7
Is there any wiggle room in here that I’m missing?

Your taxable incentives seem to be off by $1k. It should be $10,550 based on what you listed. If you are in the SF Bay Area there is an additional $1400 incentive.

Also the inception fee — what’s that? Seems like just bogus fee. It’s not a field in the calculator.

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Did you select Chevrolet from the drop down menu at the top of the calculator? That customizes the settings in the calculator and will allow you to check a box to calculate one pay.

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@49er You’re right. The 5750 was a typo, but it should have been $6750 (I think) bc it’s a premier. But I think the 11,500 taxable holds.

Since I can’t get the monthly #s to add up, instead of checking the box, I’m just going off the dealers one pay.

Here is what I get in the calculator with your numbers: Calc

I haven’t been looking at 12k mile leases so I don’t know if your residual is correct at 50%.

I think Ethan’s posted deals probably beat this one. If you are in So Cal then that might be an option.

I have another Question - I have $1500 to spend at the start of the lease. Should I spend it on the govt fees, acquisition fees and dealer fees or the down payment. Are the risks of paying the fees taxes the same as the risks of paying toward the down payment (you don’t get it back if the car gets totaled?)

On the calc @49er, you and I are getting the same numbers … which are much higher than the dealers - weird.

And Yes, I’d love to get an ethan blockbuster deal, but his deals are going so quickly, I doubt I have much chance of being on here at the exact right time. I’m not in a rush, but I don’t want to miss out on the incentives that expire Nov 2.

12k residual should be 52%. 15k is 50%. “Inception fees” are just a blanket term for the fees virtually everyone pays at the beginning of the lease. Bank fee, DMV, dealer doc fee, etc). We’re you given this breakdown with “supplier” broken down as a separate rebate? The supplier discount should be baked into the dealer discount.

It makes no difference. Any fees you don’t pay get rolled into the cap cost anyway, so reducing the cap cost and then adding the fees in or just paying the fees will result in the same adjusted cap cost on the contract.

On these leases I would just roll it all into the payment if you aren’t going to do a One Pay since the interest rate is so low to begin with.

Short answer is yes, but the argument can be made that you would have to pay inceptions regardless next time you lease, and many people would say that paying interest on the inceptions is silly when you roll them into the payment. The Bolt is somewhat of an exception because the interest rate is very low, so it really doesn’t make much difference.

If you’re in SoCal, have you contacted @goto35march or read any of their posts? I believe the dealer they worked with has inventory as of last night and was beating this deal by a good amount.

His RV value for 12K is wrong (52% not 50%). You are seeking 1-pay, or zero drive-off? Then you want to add $1.5K down? You need to decide which…as they alter all the numbers. Add $1500 down in the cap cost adjustment area to see what difference it makes.

I’m calculating the one pay just as a way to compare quotes - then once I get the correct inputs for the calc, I can fiddle with the different inputs.

It also helps me calculate if this is a good deal - by comparing it to @ethanrs one pay numbers or goto35march’s’s #s, but it’s hard for me to compare 242/mo to say gotomarch’s 44500.

My mspr is 43955. So my MSRP is 545 less.

@Alphawave, the dealer said he’s giving me a better deal by giving me the RV of 50% instead of 52%. Do you believe it?

BTW @ElectricEliminator I started to compare my deal to your amazing $642 bolt, but had to just shake my head. I mean, yes have the great NJ rebate but you didn’t even use costco! How you did it is a mystery beyond my understanding.

He must be using a different bank, so you’ll need to know what the different mf and incentives are to determine if it’s a better deal.

He must be using a different bank, so you’ll need to know what the different mf and incentives are to determine if it’s a better deal.

@mllcb42 assuming all other inputs, mf and incentives are the same, does a lower RV give you a better final price?

No it gives a higher total lease cost as you’re paying for more depreciation.

The only way that would make sense would be if a third party bank somehow had a different residual, but lower money factor and/or higher purchase incentives that they were able to take advantage of. That seems incredibly unlikely here.

Both of my Bolt deals were actually quite similar. It was the same structure, only this time I was able to leverage the Costco rebate into getting a higher trim level. The LT without Costco had a slightly better discount % than the Premier, but the key to both was getting over 10% off before incentives.

No…unless he IS giving you 15K miles…then I would expect that RV.