Deal check/advice: Volvo XC90 - trying to learn the process

Your inputted down payment is incorrect for the calculator. When you put 5k into the calculator that means 5k is being deducted from cap cost. On the lease sheet you can see that of your 5k down only 3,386 is actually going to reducing cap cost. The other portion is paying fees and what not. Once you change that to reflect in the calculator you should get something a lot closer. I get $666 with tax

Ok, I get it. I didn’t realize that’s what that 3386 was. Now that makes more sense.

So where in the calculator do I record the 3386 in?

Right into down payment. Once you do, you’ll see that the driveoff is around 5k

I got it. I replace the 5000 with the actual amount of cap reduction, 3386. That did it

Ok, so my next question is, how is this deal? I mean it does not seem too terrible, but not super great either.

I’m definitely dealing with some things against me:

  1. Inventory is not great for some of the things that we are a bit picky over. I’m sacrificing the Advanced pck on this.
  2. July incentives are terrible really
  3. Dealers don’t seem to have much wiggle room for making profit right now

Looks like you’re at a about 3.5% off pre-incentive.

That falls squarely into the terrible category, even considering the current environment.

Ok, point taken. I appreciate it. So I guess that gives me the information I need to know how to counter.

I’ll give it shot and see if I can move forward with a better pre-incentive discount.

@bigsacattack Good to see you are chipping away at your XC90 deal. Is this the same dealer from your first post? You choice in dealers sucks :grinning:.

No. This from another dealer that I inquired based on inventory.
I’m also dealing with another dealer in my area on a model that we want.

These guys are both providing similar discounts before incentives.
3.5% and 2.3% Both terrible. It’s not like I’m a broker with a choice of a specific dealer to work with. But this has been typical of all of the Lease deals that I’ve received.

But I’ll keep working at it.

Your dealers are among the most stingy in the country. What area are you in? Hopefully we can expand the number of dealers you can engage. Someone here can help outline a plan to get you in front of more reasonable dealers.

I’m in Northern California. Looking at 2 deals, one in the bay area and one in sacramento right now.

Even @HersheySweet tried up here, but the choices I had were not what we were looking for.

I have made contact with a broker in So. Cal. I am going to see if they can help me out, possibly more choices down there, and from the forum here, I can see better deals coming from down there.

@Ursus has magical Volvo powers. If you have a hard to find Volvo, he might be able to help.

Then you are definitely out of luck :smile:

50 posts and no one suggested contacting @Benedetto? Pay for shipping and get it over with.

I’m running out of cars :sweat_smile:. 9-9.75% on 90s, but I didn’t have the build he wanted, and a trade would’ve cut into the discount.

Best of luck my friend! Thank you for what you do!

I have contacted @benedetto on here as well as through the website. Heard nothing back. So, I have been down that route.

Did you book time on his calendar as he requests?

He just sent me a message, he explained it and it’s all good. He was unavailable for a while.

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@bigsacattack How did your hunt for an elusive XC90 turn out?

There’s a great calculator FAQ that covers this in detail.