Deal Check- 2024 MB GLC 300 Coupe

Is this a good deal? First time leasee. If not, what do I need to negotiate. Btw, I’m not putting any money down. This was printed before I told them that. Seems high to me but I could be wrong. This is my first time leasing. Thanks so much for your help!

Assuming nothing DAS except first month (and, honestly, w/ that MF, maybe you SHOULD put money down, if you’re wedded to this car), you’re paying 70% of the MSRP. And, of course, more than that, if it’s $5K DAS.

I have no idea what these go for, but that seems like a waste of $. Why not just finance it?

MF is 0.00415, so yeah, not a good deal. And you are paying $5,000 upfront

This is really not a good deal. Higher MF and paying 5k upfront, which makes this about $1,362 monthly effective. You’re paying 50k for a car with an MSRP of 63k… Better of on a BMW X5, or X3. If you really want to pay 63k for a GLC, better off financing it. Check out the marketplace for more aggressive and better offers. I am aware that MB’s with gas engines aren’t leasing very well right now.

No I’m not putting any money down. They just printed this before I told them that I’m not putting any money down.

I can negotiate the money factor right? I decided to lease because I never keep cars over 3-4 years and I tired of maintenance costs

To a certain extent, yes. But they may not agree.

Then just sell the car after 4 yrs. I can’t imagine you’ll do worse than this lease.

Well, considering the rate on the GLC is anywhere between 6%-8%, maybe viable for lease

That makes sense. No I’m not putting any money down. They printed that before I told them no money down. Thank you!

There is $500 incentive if you are an employee of affiliated company or member of Sam’s Club, AMEX, and etc. Hell, let me take a look at this and I will sell you the car.

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I understand that. Thank you!

I don’t think a mean $500 can help on rates like this, but $500 is $500.

I agree . I need a couple of thousand off and a way better MF

Ditch this dealer, go on marketplace with trusted brokers like Auto Companion or Auto Ninjas for Audi, BMW, Volvo. Volvo lease’s are extremely attractive this month. If you really want a MB, go to @derekoh1991.

Seeing on how this dealer is giving you the numbers, they aren’t going to be extremely aggressive from what I am thinking.

I think $500 is something.

So you think I can negotiate?

So, here is the deal.
They aren’t going to discount 24 Coupe because it’s a new year model and new facelift.
We just got 1 today, matter of a fact.
What you can do is negotiate the MF.

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You are right, $500 is $500.

No it is something. Don’t get me wrong, but the lease deal is trash. I was just saying other things need to be improved as well