Deal check - 2024 BMW iX xDrive50 MSRP $97,000 with ~7500 miles | North California

I got an offer to lease a BMW iX loaner MSRP $97,000 and would love to know if this is a good deal.

MSRP 97,000
Monthly Payment $753.13
10k miles and 36 months
Discount $23,668
Selling price $75,652.77
Taxed Incentives with conquest $6,900
Cash Down Payment $0
Residual (49%)
Money Factor 0.00066

This is the best i was able to get.

For new iX I was able to get $9,900 rebates and 13% discount, but I’m curious to hear people’s thoughts on it.

Tried to create the calc but could not get it to match

A post was merged into an existing topic: Deal Check - 2025 BMW iX xDrive50 MSRP $93,550 | North CA