Deal Check: 2023 Kia EV6 GT


This is my first time trying to use the “negotiate everything by email” attempt recommended by experienced Leasehackrs.

I’m trying to replicate to get something similar to the deal that was posted here: SIGNED: 2023 KIA EV6 GT (MSRP: 63595 - 24/10k) Pre Tax: $291/mo although I only qualify for the $11K dealer cash, not $11.5K.

I know the discount isn’t there yet, but what I’d really like to know is that given the returned “quote”, what should my next step be?

  1. Ask for more detail on the Cash Down (why can’t they just give me the $0.00 option so I can work out things for myself? Why do they always muddy the waters with this $5000.00 down and not indicate what that includes).
  2. Ask for their real money factor and more detail than just this standard “quote sheet”?
  3. Ask for more discount off the selling price (currently they’re at 7.1% off, but I’d like to get closer to 10%).

My tax rate is 9%.

Did you make them an offer or did you ask them hoe much they want you to pay?

If you made them an offer, what was it?

My offer was $400/month including tax with “inceptions only” due at signing.

Thats a hugely ambiguous number.

If youre going to make an offer, be specific.

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MF is .00002 and residual is 61%. You should get 10% off easily. Plug the numbers into the calculator and figure out what your offer needs to be.

$1400 fees sounds like a massive ripoff. Even if the acquisition fee is part of that.

And what is msrp? It’s not the number listed in the offer. That’s their bullshit made up number. You need to ask for the msrp. And I’ll bet they’re marking it up with some desert protection package nonsnese.

MVSP is usually means they are overcharging you.

Here’s the closest I could get in the calculator that gets the same “Non tax fees” = $1401 and the Tax of $1596. The only way to get those numbers (especially the tax of $1596) is to assume that the $5000 “cash down” does not include any of the typical inception fees - i.e. registration/acquisition fee/doc fees.

But if those numbers were to match up, the calculator indicates I would only be paying a monthly of $187 incl. tax, not $369.

OK, by being specific, are you saying more like

$2000 Down at Sale (taxes, fees + 1st month)
$400/month including tax.

Yah, just give them the numbers. If you say “inceptions”, that could be interpreted anywhere from mininum drive offs to a significant amount due at signing

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It’s a '23 - I’d be way more aggressive with the discounts. I threw 15% off and got a hit based on targeting kia dealerships within a 300 mile radius and went for aged units.

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Accidentally posted my deal on here because I picked the wrong EV6 GT thread lol. I’m in South Carolina but I was able to get basically the same deal as your target on a 2023 GT so it’s definitely obtainable.