@Fausterion I didn’t feel it was right to contact Dealer B behind Dealer A’s back. It didn’t seem appropriate. This gentleman (Dealer A) was kind enough to work with me to locate a car etc, so it didn’t feel right to reach out to the Dealer B to save a few dollars (just didn’t morally sit well with me to do so)
12.9%, there’s no incentives on the T6 inscription beyond a $1k lease cash and loyalty/conquest.
He’s at 13% post-incentive not pre-incentive.
Nope, 15% post incentive. It literally says it on the spreadsheet and says it again on the calculator link.
No it doesnt
Not sure why you’re trying to deny what’s in front of your eyes.
Calculator link backs it up with 12.9% off pre-incentive and $1k taxed incentives.
Wrong model year. This is for a 21, not a 20.
Here is the linked calculator for the 21 https://leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Volvo&miles=10000&msd=10&msrp=58810&sales_price=52339.98&months=36&mf=0.00031&dp=0&dealer_fee=499&acq_fee=995&taxed_inc=1000&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=55®_fee=425&sales_tax=0&demo_mileage=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true
It’s at 11% BEFORE the lease cash is split off.
The 13% number in the spreadsheet includes loyalty and lease cash
OK my bad, but I don’t see a reason to go for a 2021 model over a 2020 on an inscription trim in that case.
One would need to compare incentives, mf, and rv to see what made the most sense, assuming there’s a left over 2020 that meets the requirements anyway.
RV is the same, MF is a little higher, incentives about the same and the car is overall cheaper. Apparently Volvo increased the price on the 2021 model.
Here’s a couple of 2020 models in Ohio that have more options and $2k lower msrp.
So discounts are lower and the msrp is higher on the 2021, in exchange you get…different wheels.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Please keep all your “wanted” ads here - Part 2