Deal check: 2021 m340i RWD

As the title says. Brand new m340i but it’s the one in the show room, so it’s the one everyone can open the doors and get in etc.

See attached for offer. I still feel like they’re hiking the price up? My buddy got the same car with a worst situation and his monthly is $570/month. He put $4k in DAS, he didn’t do any research so he didn’t even know what MSDs were or anything.

So I know they probably hiked up his MF on his lease…

They also aren’t showing it with 12k-15k miles like I need

Do you only qualify for lease cash?

No. My GF is going to co-sign so we get the competitor and college grad incentive. I was told that’s possible. For whatever reason I don’t see that reflecting there too

If you find out the MF, dealer discount before incentives, incentives you qualify for we can plug it in the calculator.

You can’t compare your buddy’s monthly payment to yours with out these. When did he lease his car? I’m guessing it was MY 2020?

Yeah I am trying not to compare his deal, but he got the 2020 last year right when it very first came out, they got him out of his challenge scat lease he had several months left on, and he did the $4k DAS like a goober. MSRP was $58,700 I believe or something around that.

Yes I just emailed the dealership and asked for those, they’re being difficult they want me to come in to see the MF.

Ignore his buddies deal. Focus on current market; 10%, base, no adds and that’s a competitive deal in this market.

Throw in msds and college grad, and more discount you’d have issues replicating with current conditions, I haven’t seen greater than 10% with @iac and @AutoCompanion and 10.5% @nyclife and all three of those are east coast.

He should ignore comparing monthly payments all together and focus on his deal and understand how leasing works.

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Definitely. I laid out what he should be looking for as a baseline and he should reach higher than that and adjust. Btw bmw has a minimum/max dti requirement for the college grad requirement.

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Gotcha yeah I am not using my buddies deal as much of a baseline so much as I know what should be achievable or damn near close. Especially if he didn’t even know about any of these leasing hacks.

Anyways, yeah I’m focused on the total out the door cost and my entire deal. I’m not trying to focus on the monthly payment so much as I just want to make sure I don’t over pay for the depreciation of a car I more than likely will never purchase.

Still learning a lot but I’ve learned quite a bit over the last 72 hours from these forums and you guys.

Just focus on preincentive discount and based upon that number you can request base MF. In some cases a larger discount can offset a marked up MF. As a baseline as @HersheySweet said brokers are able to get 10% pre incentive and base MF.

Gotcha that makes sense. Yeah looks like they’re discounting 9.1% before incentives. The MF is at 0.0082 that could obviously change depending what credit comes back at…

Incentives we should qualify for

Lease competitor
Lease cash
College grad

Not sure if I’m missing some

I’d ask for a show room fart discount, who knows how many different people farted in that car


That’s what I’m saying! Farts on synthetic leather don’t blend well not even real cow.


Uhhh there’s a Costco program for bmws currently??

I’d say no, post your link that says otherwise

The Costco BMW “program” assures you you’ll get an amazing 6% discount along with countless calls from every BMW dealer in a 100 mile radius…

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Hahaha then nvm. I thought I read somewhere Costco did. Not the biggest deal :man_shrugging:

If you’re talking about the normal bmw Costco shopping program, this is part of the reason people send us costco info when there’s not a promotion going on.

Costco does not have a rebate like the brands I mentioned in an earlier Cadillac post. There is a 1000 rebate for GMC, Chevy (3k on bolt ev), 1250 for Volvo XC SUV’s, and 1k in Buick.

Got it. That makes perfect sense I must of misread; could of swore it was a $500 incentive

You know, have you checked if you have corporate fleet, check out the bmw leasing wiki for more incentive info on corporate fleet, college grad, etc. We keep it updated.