I conducted some research on this site which is very helpful, and it appears based on my research the Lincoln Aviators do not lease well. However, given this is my first time in the market for a lease, I would love to hear any input on this below deal? Would greatly appreciate it.
2021 Lincoln Aviator Reserve I (Convenience Package, Elements Package Plus, and Co-Pilot 360 Plus Package…22" Wheels)
MSRP: $68,440
Selling Price: $64,436
Monthly Payment: $899 (including tax & all fees)
Drive-Off Amount: $1,059 (first month, DMV)
Months: 39
Annual Mileage: 10,500k
MF: 0.00111666666 (confirmed on Edmunds)
Residual: 53% (confirmed on Edmunds)
Incentives: 900
Region: NY
Leasehackr Score: 6.9
Basically this. Low RV, high MF, no MSDs. To make it attractive, you’d need a much bigger pre-incentive discount than 5.9%, and/or more incentives, which I don’t know if there is any. If you’re not married to Aviator, I’d look into competing makes/models.
Updated the calculator (link below) and renegotiated a deal based on further research. Given the above feedback, any further input on the updated deal? Much appreciated.
2021 Lincoln Aviator Reserve I (Convenience Package, Elements Package Plus, and Co-Pilot 360 Plus Package…22" Wheels)
MSRP: $68,440
Selling Price: $63,300
Monthly Payment: $848 (including tax & all fees)
Drive-Off Amount: $1,007 (first month, DMV)
Months: 39
Annual Mileage: 7,500k
MF: 0.00111666666 (confirmed on Edmunds)
Residual: 54% (confirmed on Edmunds)
Incentives: 900
Region: NY
Leasehackr Score: 7.3
Others can chime in on if its a good deal, but even if it is by this cars standard, and you have base rates, I wouldn’t even want this at 10% off MSRP. It is just not good value for the money on a lease.
I’m not one to miss hating on Lincoln. There is a reason nobody brokers this brand.
You don’t have alot of strings to pull here, the incentives are pretty poor in addition to the MF and RV as commented by others. Where are you getting your selling price? Do qualify for X-Plan? If so, the price is invoice minus .4% plus a $275 fee. I would definitely ask for the invoice and the X-plan price to compare to the offer price.
You’re spinning your wheels while pushing a boulder uphill. Almost no amount of shopping or negotiating is going to result in a great lease on something lacking OEM support.
I appreciate the feedback everyone. This is very helpful. A lot to digest. I will also look into the BMW X7 if it will land me in a similar cost as someone else suggested above.
It’s not that the Lincoln’s aren’t nice, they are, in particular the Navigator. And it’s not that they don’t sell. It’s just that nobody who buys one is buying it because it’s a great deal, or a unicorn, or anything like that. It’s a classic vehicle over deal situation. Where I can understand going with a Navigator, the full-size 3 row upscale market is limited, in the case of the Aviator, you are talking about a dressed up Explorer, which has alot of serious competition.
We have two kids in car seats, and was looking into a vehicle with captain chairs and a decent size 3rd row, with a little bit of luxury. Escalades, Navigators, etc., are too big of a vehicle for us personally.
We did get a great deal on the top of the line VW Atlas, however, the wife felt that the interior appearance seems a little cheap. So the Aviator was another option which increased our initial budget.
Lincoln is on fire with the navigator and aviator. the navigator is the best full size luxury suv out there… sorry x7 you are not full size.
Aviator gives the luxury mid size suv market a run for its money, for example it’s sized like an x7 but priced like an x5.
But yes they do not lease well, only recommend it if that’s what you really want.
They are based on the same platform but the aviator very quickly distinguishes itself with a monster 3.5 eco and hybrid variant, not to mention the interior rivals the navigator but smaller. Competition? Yes lots of Competition in that segment, less so in the navigator sized vehicles.
Yes, ask me how I know. It’s a pain to move the navigator around tight parking garages and in the city in general… it’s just a massive vehicle. Great for road trips and soccer moms, maybe not so much for anyone who has to deal with tight city parking.
The Non L is about 20 inches shorter than an f150 supercrew, the L is 10 inches shorter. It’s massive lol.