Corona Virus Expectations

Hate to be the grimmer. But, the news regarding community spread covid means it’s already in the us. But, because of our health Care system, sick people don’t go to the doctor and for sure wait until it’s an emergency. This will explode in the faces of some republicans and steer in democratic victory followed closely by universal health care. Higher taxes means less disposable income and our path goes into socialism. The virus was engineered by China and released in Wuhan in order to influence the election and remove Trump.

And basilworld:(

President of the superb united states?

conspiracy theory much? There will be a vaccine in a few weeks and all the overhype will disappear. This will be a memory in a few months.

Sure, or “special”.

I thought trump released it so we could shut down China manufacturing and bring it home. Close the borders, chip the citizens, and move to a one world currency. Maga baby. Haha

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If there is anyone that believes there are thousands of unsold late model new cars like that clickbait article mentions, I have several bridges to sell them on the cheap.


They’re all FCA products.


Maybe it was engineered. Or maybe it’s karma for the genocide they’ve committed against their own Muslims.

That makes it plausible then. Only thing missing is Nissan.

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Assuming they can synthesize one and don’t discover too much drift:

  1. who is going to manufacture this vaccine? The US doesn’t own any production capacity, and there are arguments every year about the flu vaccine and profitability, which is why there have been shortages many years.
  2. the viral agent in most vaccines need to incubate for some period of time, which can delay delivery

I remember the swine flu 2009 pandemic well, including standing in line for hours to get mine in late December 2019 (6 months after it started). It was the first time I saw a parent using an iPad or iPhone to entertain their kid in public. I bought more Apple stock that week.

Also (full circle), I got the flu this year for the first time in 10: a swine flu (AH1N1 pdm09) and while the vaccine coverage isn’r great this year for A, it’s near 50%. Further research tells me if you never had a swine flu, even if you had the 2009 vaccination, this year’s flu shot is 0% effective.

This flu season will kill 18,000-46,000 and most people don’t get vaccinated, so what makes you think they’ll stand in line for 4 hours at the health department for a corona virus vaccination like I had to in 2009?

I wasn’t insinuating everyone would get a vaccine. Only exactly what I said. Once a vaccine exists the overhype will die down. The media is exaggerating the threat and they will move on to something else. Like the repeal of net neutrality killing us all.

Well much like MA370, don’t expect it to die down before Easter. If you are following the vaccine from concept to injection, expect it to carry past Labor Day.

Some of the reporting has actually been fascinating. We had pandemic response capabilities this administration shut down, and now they’re scrambling.

That may very well be the case. I don’t know. I’ll I am saying is I’ve learned to take media reporting with a lot of skepticism.

Understandable, but unless you have reporters and experts on staff, you need to be able to synthesize from what’s out there and draw your own conclusions. How I practiced this: for probably 5 years I listened to CSPAN every day, most of the day, then listened to the various news outlets and critiqued them (I was fun at parties back then). Sometimes they are spinning, sometimes they are lying, sometimes they are wrong. But there were many that got it mostly right using the same source material.

Yes newspapers want eyeballs and clicks, and yes we live in a dark time of clickbait. But from all of these below, what conclusion can you generally draw, and where should you investigate further, and who has authoritative source material?

April 2017

January 2018 - Smithsonian Magazine

May 2018 - The Hill

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer left the National Security Council (NSC) this week, and national security adviser John Bolton dissolved the global health security team that Ziemer oversaw.

June 2018 - The Atlantic

September 2018 - Foreign Policy

In fairness, like me, they call bubbles 18-24 months early. Almost…enough time to prepare.

September 2018 - The Kaiser Family Foundation

November 2018 - BBC

October 2018 - Infection Control Today

Other influenza pandemics, albeit less severe, have then occurred in 1957, 1968, and 2009, so a new one appears inevitable at some point in the future. Thus, on the centenary of the 1918 pandemic, it is timely to ask ourselves whether the world would be prepared now for such an event. The answer sadly is no: we do not know what virus will cause the next pandemic, there is no way to rapidly develop and deploy an effective vaccine against a pandemic virus, differences in quality of health systems hamper a prompt response, and surveillance data on influenza have major gaps."

I’m trying to ascertain what your point and or conclusion from all of this? That we as Americans should be terrified that there is a pandemic about to wipe us out?

I have drawn my own conclusions. I conclude the media is over hyping the risk because this is what they do and this will amount to a giant nothing burger in the US.

The media has told us the world is ending so many times that they have just become chicken little to me and I ignore them.

How many years has a recession been coming?

On another note. You mention the current administration botched the response. Is there one single thing Trump has done since taking office that the media liked and/or did not criticize? I am no Trump lover but the lack of any basic objectivity has removed any vestige of hope I had for the media.


Kutna Hora prepared me for what we are about to witness.

If you read and write the right sources, this shouldn’t be even a question you have to ask. You may be blending “opinion” with “media”, but they are not one and the same. Real news do not “like” or “criticize” anything, just report the facts.


We haven’t had much in the way of real news sources in this country in a long time.