Continuing conversation on Trusted Hackrs nomination process

You’re still a stud

Stahhhhp :flushed:

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i think its hilarious u kids sucking up to @jananth1. u wouldnt say this to him at cars and coffee, he’s frail. not only that but he wears the nastiest clothes, eats at the dirtiest restaurants and hangs out with the ugliest dudes. yall are pathetic



Dealers hate him, for this one simple trick!

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How much do “Truster Hackrs” get paid?

All of the free criticism you can drink, and the affection of 1-2 users a week if you’re lucky :wink:


Sounds low!

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Thanks everyone for the constructive feedback and suggestions.

To close the loop on this, we will continue with Trusted Hackrs as a title for members who deserve special recognition for their knowledge and contributions, with optional moderation abilities to handle issues that they may encounter during their day-to-day participation on this forum. Given that Trusted Hackrs are volunteers, we do not wish to pick individuals and specifically assign them moderation work responsibilities, given the pressure that comes with such a role.

On the issue of making LH more inclusive, we’ve had discussions with THs in the past weeks to improve that. This includes direction for THs to use the Slow Mode in lieu of closing topics, requiring an explanation when topics do get closed, and encouraging the use of helpful canned replies that are more friendly to new users. We are also working on community onboarding content to guide new users through our resources and community etiquette. By and large, I’ve noticed the climate on LH has improved over this period.

Anyhow, we’ll be closing our nominations for the 2021 cohort of THs by the end of today. If you know of any other user who deserves recognition, do cast your nomination.


How I picture Trusted Hackrs spending their earnings :rofl: