Confused about i4 lease NJ


Congrats on the new ride and thanks for sharing the data point.


This is interesting because on the CUNJ website I don’t see a single BMW dealer listed on the page of eligible dealers.

Regardless, with the 3100 off and base money factor this is a good deal! Enjoy.

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I found the same. But I reached out directly to the State and they gave me 4 dealerships that were registered just not online yet. Apparently the website lags quite behind the dealers registration.

Same with my local dealership, they weren’t finished being set-up yet but had started the process. I was the first person to use the rebate at their dealership.


This is great. I want to replicate this. Could you be kind enough to share the dealer info pls. I am in NJ as well and also a current BMW owner, wondering if they will add some layouts discount on top too.

Kindly let me know dealer info

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