Is it possible to get college grade twice, assuming I start a lease right when I graduate, and then at the end of a 24 month lease, right before the 2 year requirement is up?
I believe it is one time use? not sure
No. You can only do it once.
Figured, since when I signed my lease they made me sign a letter of cancellation (since I had already gotten a credit check at another dealership and approval for college grad) stating that this was the only vehicle I was taking at this time
What about if you graduate with three different degrees over a six-year period?
Is that a recent change? That has not been the case in the past.
I just used it twice, once two months back and once last month both cars I am currently leasing.
I’ve used it twice also within a few months of each other.
Maybe it just cant be used within the same month/program? I assumed it was because of the college grad
They made me sign this.
I swear @samson or @bmw_dave answered this recently, but I can’t seem to find it. Maybe I’m dreaming.
When you’re dreaming about college grad rebates on auto leases, it might be time to see a mental health professional
That’s nothing. The real nightmares come from the “pm me the details” posts.
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What is the final verdict on this one?
I was able to use it twice this year. No questions asked.
That’s clause is completely unrelated and on every lease, it just means you can’t get 4 lease quotes and take out 4 cars. No special limit to college incentives
You can certainly use college grad several times. As long as you qualify on every lease.
I have not experienced problems, in general, I am quite a smart student, but cunning, because without such quality it would be difficult for me, I did not always do my assignments myself in the last academic year, I often used the help of written services, for example, I recommend you where you can study the current EssayShark review, which I used and which helped me a lot, so study this review from experts, learn the strengths of the proposed service and contact them for help, good luck with your learning!