Chevy Volt LT 1500 down after rebate 185 monthly payment

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: [2017 Chevy Volt LT]

MSRP: [$40,090]
Selling Price: [$xx]
Rebates: [$500 Competitive Leasee]
Trade-in: [$0]

Months: [36]
Annual Mileage: [12,000]

MF: [optional]
Residual: [optional]

Security Deposit: [$0]
Total Due At Signing: [$3,000] (1500+1500rebate)
Monthly Payment (incl. tax): [$185]

Zip Code: [90013]
Sales Tax Rate: [9%]

Why is your MSRP so high? LT Starting MSRP $33,220. Sounds like a good deal if you can get it.

Are you sharing a deal you got or advertising a deal you can give? If it’s the later, please remove or clarify the "Total due at signing"
In this community the down payments on leases are not appreciated.

Not advertising, sharing the deal that i got. I didn’t do it the right way- i went with the monthly i wanted, and the price i wanted to pay as down.

I paid 3000 down with all taxes, fees, and have filed to get the 1,500 back as rebate. So total- i paid 1500 down, got 185 including tax for 3 years 12k a month on LT red color volt.

Yea, so you are essentially paying ~ $226 a mo for 12k lease. Considering this probably is the time of almost the highest RV on those, not the greatest deal imo. Why don’t you share the sale price and the RV so others can learn from your mistakes? Thanks,

As pointed out in another thread, seems like your MSRP is wrong…

Total you paid $3k down. The rebate should have been money in your pocket straight out not part of a downpayment. Exactly why you dont start with a monthly payment the dealer will just manipulate.

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