Hi everyone, new to the forums, used to browse edmunds before…this is way better!
So been reading and learning a lot these last few days. I currently have a 2014 honda civic lease 10K/36 (can’t believe I missed the 3k asian conquest cash from chevy) that I have to give back in May.
I am open to the type of car as long as it is roughly the same size as the civic. I currently pay $128 a month, so would be looking for something at or below that price in the Tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT, PA) unless they ship.
Please let me know any suggestions on deals, thanks!
No $0, I will look at the paperwork again but I had to do bank fee, dmv, first month, and maybe taxes upfront. I believe in NY it is tough to roll it in. But I will double check later tonight
Yes, the downpayment and drive-off fees are not the same. Most deals here (for apples-to-apples) are at $0 down and then the drive-off fees are calculated separately – rolled in or paid up front.
any idea if i could return my lease early? since my end date is in the middle of may.
also i believe honda gives me $1000 - 1500 for minor dings and dents. i have scratches on the back bumper from parking in NY. i will schedule an inspection soon to see if everything is covered (fingers crossed)…i would think they try to screw me during those.
Keep in mind this is NJ so doc fee will average 350-450.
You’ll need to add TTL.
I don’t know what the $500 GM Auto Show rebate is, or how to qualify for it. If you don’t but get Farm Bureau $500 (join 4 weeks ahead of signing your deal) instead, that would be a wash.
yeah that would be amazing, anything under 100$ I would jump on. given i can return my current lease a little early. i’m also 2-3k below the 30k miles.