Buick Regal Sport Essence $227 a month w/ one payment 0 downpayemt

Hi guys, I’d love to get your opinion on this. The local Buick dealer confirmed that he can do 24% off off of this model anytime before the end of the year. The rebate is only 2500… but with the huge amount off of msrp i think it’s worth it.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: Buick Regal Sport Essence
MSRP: $35715
Monthly Payment: $227
Drive-Off Amount: $8795 (one pay)
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: .00057 (with 1 payment)
Residual: 50%
Incentives: $2500 Conquest $500 Bonus Lease Cash
Region: NW
Leasehackr Score: 12.8

Leasehackr Calculator Link: [link](http://leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Buick&miles=10000&msd=0&msrp=35715&sales_price=27000&months=36&mf=.00130&dp=0&dealer_fee=85&acq_fee=650&taxed_inc=3000&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=50&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=6&demo_mileage=0&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true&gm_onePay=true)

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Did you confirm he can lease at 24% off? That seems like a purchase incentive.

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Yep. He confirmed that this was the discount before rebates and incentives. I’ve seen a lot of Buick sedans with significant dealer discounts off of MSRP. The regal is the only model with an extra rebate that works with a lease.

Go for it if it’s true. We haven’t seen a discount that big on a GM vehicle for lease in probably years.


Nice deal. Haven’t seen anything close to this on the new regals.

If he backs up on the dealer discount (to 15% off)… still worth it?

Go for it, looks like a great deal

@jamesbabeless Your post is very confusing. Title states $227/mo with $0DAS, but the subject states $898 DAS. If this is a one-pay lease, shouldn’t the whole lease amount be DAS?

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sorry you’re right. I meant zero Down Payment.

You just said he confirmed 24%. How did it now become 15%?


I mean, he said it verbally. I just emailed him to see if he can write this up and i’ll post a picture. If he was to walk it back, at what point is it no longer a good deal?

For a GM, anything above 8%, you’re in bonus territory.

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Your link is missing [/link] at the end

If he said 24%, I wouldn’t accept a penny less than his word.

I can assure you that no one else is inquiring about regals.


Something about this smells of TGTBT. Hopefully for the OP, I’m wrong.


Is essence a base trim? I get so lost with all the new designations…

Base, Preferred, Preferred 2, Essence, Avenir

Whoever signed off on those names for trim levels should be handed a banker’s box and told to hand in their ID and hit the road.

Avenir. Jeebus. Use that in a sentence (that doesn’t have a Buick in it) please.


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I suspect it was the same mouth breather who decided Bonvoy was a good name for a hotel loyalty program. Good lord.


Is he related to the schmuck at British Airways who settled on “Avios”?