Broker calculator discussion

Throttled again.

Cancel The Simpsons GIF by AniDom

Are there any examples you care to share where a broker/dealer did not list mileage terms or any other info? I’m just curious.


Just coz it’s an awesome player from an even more awesome club :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I tell ya, watching Torres score against Chelsea in person at Anfield (09) in a CL match is probably one of the most memorable moments of my life.

Never been to game with that energy since.

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Do you think he can name the player? Maybe not even the team lol

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I picked an inactive broker so I don’t burn any bridges here. And also, I know I screwed up in life if I am looking at a Hyundai lease lol

WW3 has initiated :rotating_light::rotating_light:


Looks pretty clear to me…his spreadsheets are fine and very easy to read.

Driving a hyundai is screwing up at life? Pretty shallow thing to say based on a car someone drives. More millionaires drive Camrys then Mercedes/bmw.


Some of these deals are from 2021. Anyway, here is some info I was able to uncover.

The monthly payment + the amount due at signing (based on NJ and NY taxes) is listed below. Not shown in my screenshot (but visible in the broker’s listing) is the model and trim of the vehicle

Mileage terms were also listed. What am I missing?


I can attest to this.

I went to little neck/great neck today and there were more Hondas and Toyota in people driveways than bmw and Benz’s


Try heading further north to Kings Point and Sands Point where you can’t even see the driveways.


Bro, those cars belong to the help if you’re in that area.


Those are the houses where you can see the car in the driveway. Those where you can’t……


Those houses are either insanely valuable and large, or just large properties

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That moment when you forget a /s and cause WWIII… The richest person in my family drives a toyota sienna. Dude lives in the best school district of NJ as well.

On a certain online community of wealthy cheapskates, it’s a sin to replace your 18-year old base model Camry/Accord with anything but a 8-year old mid-trim Honda or Toyota.

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I stand corrected. That being said, wouldn’t it be better if broker’s had a “form” way like the private transfers side of offering deals? That way the information is all in a clear concise format instead of this ad hoc. And important information (especially like states available) is more visible

That area’s ridiculously expensive

Have you read the Marketplace Guidelines that Brokers and Dealers follow?

They’re pretty strict low key