Brand new BMW 330i totaled


There’s a small downside; one pays rent charge on the extra amount capitalized. With a high enough MF, that can add up a little bit.

On the flip side, there are many more reasons than just losing the upfront cost to not putting money down.


$25,000 down on this lease would save more than $2,000 in rent charges over 39 months.

For me, the money would otherwise be sitting in liquid savings earning ~0.6%, and that’s before I pay taxes on the interest at my highest marginal tax rate.

Yes, I know OP has a 320i, but the fanatical purists keep wagging their collective fingers and yelling, “never.”

Let’s try to stay on topic.

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What a silly argument! Too much sass too little substance image

You lost the 3k down, unless, by chance, your car is deemed worth more than payoff by insurance, which on a BMW, is virtually impossible.

Work with insurance. You may need to work with BMWFS on the GAP portion, but I’d wait until you get a definitive total loss declaration by your insurance carrier, as well as their provided loss amount.

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Related to the OP’s situation, someone check my math.

Current BMW MF: .00082 / 1.968%
$3000 down = $83.33/mo
Additional rent: 83.33 * 0.01968 = $1.64
$1.64 * 36 = $59.04 additional rent to roll everything in.

Also, in the unlikely event like this, having rolled tags/title/taxes in, you only would have paid 1/36 on that, so instead of trying to recover your upfronts you only paid out $83.33 in actual utility you got for 20 days, plus $1.64 for BMW to front it.

Also as an aside, if you sold/trade/swap this in month 24, you paid $39.36 in rent but you DID NOT pay (or kept) $999.96 that would have gone to upfronts. $0 DAS shifts all but your monthly payment risk back to the captive (as long as you have GAP).

OP I’m sorry for the loss, but glad it’s just metal and no one was hurt. If you were not at fault, you can ask the other party’s insurance to refund your upfronts.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: California Double Taxes? - Zero Drive Off / Capitalized Taxes on Lease