BMW X7 2024 M60i Lease?

New -
Model - BMW M60i
CA - Bay Area
MSRP $116,640
Sale Price - 10% off MSRP - 104,976
Lease Cost - $1336.91/mnth
MF - 0.0017
TradeIn - 14K (hyundai sonata 2015 - 44Kmiles)
Downpayment - $0

Previous -
Model - BMW M60i
CA - Bay Area
MSRP $116,640
MSRP - 116640
Lease Cost - $1695/mnth
MF - 0.0021
TradeIn - 14K (hyundai sonata 2015 - 44Kmiles)
Downpayment - $640

Hope you’ve got a massive writeoff there because $1.7k/mo is rough.

FWIW prob not a bad deal on that car given the very very low volume but I’d still shoot closer to the old 1% rule.

What is the old 1% rule and what is a writeoff ?

Write off is talking about using this for business and being a tax write off.

The “1% rule” is payment no higher than 1% of the MSRP. It’s outdated and definitely not something that applies to a luxury car like this (nor any car, especially post pandemic)

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Assuming the calculator’s correct, you’re going to spend $73,330 over three years and then give the car back.


You’re going from a 2014 Hyundai to a new high-tier BMW over $100k in msrp…….?

Congratulation on your new found wealth. Yet you don’t know what “write off” means. Hmmm


Is there $14k in equity in the Sonata? I have no clue but if you could sell it for $14k, then this lease costs $74k over 3 years, just to hand it back.

Better off financing and taking a section 179. (Google)

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The downside of forums attracting more and more people is that you waste more and more time just debunking bad advice, like the above.

aint nobody got time for that GIF


What’s wrong max? Don’t believe it can be done? Just need a 28% discount.

Paging @JohnCaza


wdym by 28% discount ?

Ohh I actually always had the money, but I had no need until now that I have 2 kids and hard to fit them in the sonata alongwith my wife and parents :upside_down_face:

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Let me check

Been here since 2016, didn’t realize “hey that’s expensive but you do you on a low volume car” is bad advice.

FWIW too obviously plenty of brokers with “expensive” cars at/near 1% still so what I’d debunk is that the old 1% rule is dead and gone - that’s the bogus part (look at brokers for EQS, iX, Wranglers, etc.

ISn’t @AutoCompanion doing like 8% on these?


He’s in California - we have excellent brokers.

Here’s a local broker with plenty of luxury cars at/near 1% - Merc: 👔 Mercedes-Benz August Specials - LUXCONCIERGE - #110 by LuxConcierge

BMW: ⚡ EV BLOWOUT BMW AUGUST Specials SoCal 2023 - i4 35e $499/mo + $3k DAS - i4 40e $579/mo - LUXCONCIERGE - #38 by LuxConcierge

Yeah but none of them are performance SUVs that seat 7. GLS63/580 are still expensive. Escalade V is basically GFY lol

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The EQS 580 is faster (and uglier) than any of those and def is available!

The EQS is also an electric car. If that’s your only car, it may not work for you.

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I do have the 4% discount already, asking the dealer for another 4% today