BMW X5 Could use some help putting this into calculator

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Yes because you said nothing down, all you have to do is un-check the zero drive off box.

It’s an order of operations thing and makes for slightly different taxes if you roll it in; in this case, about $100 higher total lease cost when properly taxed. (Also makes a big difference in lease cost if you try to sell out the lease early, although the calculator doesn’t reflect that).

Taxed monthly:

Taxed upfront and amortized (proper for NY):

This is due to rent charge being applied to the amortized sales tax.

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Sorry J-E-F-F

my bad, I apprecaite the help (Spoon Feeding) I am paying the first Month and the tax on the 500 incentive.

Have a good day.

That did it thank you- Pretty Close.

Hoping to get one last quote to beat this an then I will sign.

Thanks for your help !

Adjusting the DAS amount to reflect your offer is covered in the calculator FAQ that you were encouraged to read through a week ago. Much as the missing acquisition fee and taxes were covered at that time.

It’s really in your best interest to digest the information that we keep trying to give you. The fundamentals are important, particularly if you get to the dealership and they try to change things up a bit, so you can react without having to reach out for help.

Your taxes on this are still set to the wrong option.

Max-Can you load the calculator as you describe and show me the result?

Scroll up.

Honestly, reconciling a calculator should be the last of your worries.

I realize that this is a lot of money for the vehicle. It’s what the wife wants. I’m trying to drive the price as low as possible but I’m buying an X5 in the next few weeks. Really don’t need it before May.

So Forrest for the trees. There are no better deals and the brokers I’ve spoken to cannot save me any more $ than 10 percent off plus incentives.

I want to buy locally bc I care about service.

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