BMW M8 Convertible


What do you guys think of this deal?

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 BMW Convertible
MSRP: $153550
Monthly Payment: $1435 tax in 7%
Drive-Off Amount: $13010 (includes 7 MSD’s)
Annual Mileage:10,000
MF:0.00083 with 7 MSD’s
Residual: 54%
Incentives: 3,000 Loyalty
Region: South Florida

That’s… insane. Look at a 2019, I promise it’ll lease better.

I should’ve explained the drive off includes 7 MSD’s which I will get back.

Sheesh. Thats a really overpriced rip off quote you got there.

Really I thought being less than 1% MSRP on monthly payment is the goal? Should I back out?

The 1% rule is a horrible way to evaluate a lease. It doesn’t inform anything.

Get the lease program information, look at target sales prices, and build up a target number from there.

Take a look at this.

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The launch edition or non-launch edition makes a huge difference in pricing

I have the launch for over 22% off but the non are 17% off

What’s the difference between them? Are the launch editions all sold out? If not OP can get one too.

BMW has put extra incentives behind the launch vehicles to help them move since they have been on dealers’ lots a little long


There is no 2019 for M8. 2020 is the first year they started making M8.
You may be confused with m850i

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I meant a 19 8 series.

Completely different car

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I swear you have some kind of notification turned on for whenever anyone mentions the “1% rule”



100% sure he does, it’s like a spidey sense mixed with copy pasta. It is 100% valid though, it’s his Nissan Altima CVT hill to die on.

@wiresonly Yes it indeed is. However, he should be looking at other stocks, as others mentioned launch editions?


I try to scan through as many posts in general as I can (although I don’t get through a lot of the marketplace threads) and that’s one of those subjects that always jumps out at me. I keep meaning to write an FAQ post debunking it in hopes that it’ll finally die.




Is that the cranberry juice commercial?

I think so, I just know it from when it was a popular meme.

I personally dislike the 1% thing as well, mainly because I would never pay 1% for a car, LOL.

I can see why it sticks around though. For the average person who really has no desire or inclination whatsoever to understand how leases work, generally speaking if they are around 1%/MSRP per month, they probably didn’t get completely taken to the cleaners much of the time.

With so many choices out there (with the caveat that on my end personally I do not need vehicles that can carry large numbers of people or care to overpay for certain brands that simply dont lease well), I honestly can’t think of a single car I would pay 1% for.