BMW M340xi $550, 36/12 DAS $4k - signed a to be built vehicle

I ended up signing a deal with a dealer in NJ. Not sure if it’s a great deal or not. But this is my first time leasing a car. So I was bound to make a few mistakes. Hopefully they are not too grave.
The car would take about 8 weeks to arrive. So fingers crossed.

Following are my details and would really appreciate your expert opinions on this.
Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
MSRP: $61220
Selling Price: $54180
Color: Metallic White with Shadowline

Monthly Payment: $550
MSD: 3
Drive-Off Amount: $4475
Months: 36
Annual Mileage:12k
MF: 0.00076
Residual: 57%
Incentives: 1500 BMW Lease credit
Region: NJ
Leasehackr Score: 8.3
Leasehackr Calculator Link: Link

[update] - I’ve seen several deals being done on LH. So to my untrained eye, it felt like a decent deal.

Seems odd to sign a deal before figuring out if it’s a good deal or not, but that’s just me.

What’s the selling price?


Updated the post. Selling price: 54180

Your listed mf is below buy rate. Is .00076 the post MSDs mf?

$999 dealer fee is insanity. They’re definitely marking that dealer fee sky high to make it look like they’re giving you a better selling price than they really are.

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Yeah post MFs.
They said the dealer fee is 699 and I had to get 299 for etching and that was not negotiable.

Gotcha. You have it as the pre msds mf in your calculator.

So marked up mf (although not hugely) and gigantic dealer doc fee brings that’s discount down to more like 9% rather than 11.5%

Ya. That’s just a mind game so they can say “but we gave you a huge discount!”

So essentially, I could’ve had the car for about $600-$700 cheaper overall (without the ridiculous doc fee) if I tried harder or do you think it could’ve been substantially more cheaper?

Yah, basically. I’ve seen brokers on here offering 10+% on custom builds, but then you have broker fees and such to deal with. I don’t think your deal is bad at all. Just a good learning experience for in the future for how the dealer can make it seem better than it is.


Gotcha, thank you so much for helping me through the numbers. Really appreciate it. +1 to you :smiley:

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No prob. In the future, it’s always best to ask before signing.

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Yep makes sense. Will do. Thanks Matt

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Did you put a deposit down?

10% on a custom is the neighborhood you’re going to be in right now. No worries OP, next time remember in three years to post before signing!


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Can’t you always walk before accepting delivery of the car?

Yeah $1500

Can I? And get my deposit back?

Absolutely! Lesson learned

This varies. Some states allow for nonrefundable deposits. Some do not.

Make sure that they point out every single place where the VIN was etched. If they can’t do it, make sure they cut you a check on the spot before you take delivery.