BMW has eliminated lease incentives on ALL 2022 models for Feb (still have loyalty). So if you’re thinking about leasing a BMW in this market, you may want to quickly look for remaining 2021s.
To add insult to injury, the base MF went up from .00123 to .00136.
This is terrible. I think my 2019 X5 was a 56% residual and .00118 MF. My lease ends in May and I’ll probably just buy it out.
If the trend continues for BMW, I doubt I’d stick with them in the future. The growing grilles were ok when they were the cheapest monthly on the block.
Yup, have a 540 that’s up in July. Will extend as much as possible and then just get something else I guess. Doesn’t make sense to spend $800-900 for a new 540 when my loaded one is $499.
Truer words have never been spoken. At their current price levels I would take almost any other luxury brand over BMW. Once Mercedes starts putting out more cars BMW will be on their back again as the whore of Bavaria.
Correct. In the process of buying out lease on wife’s 2018 Disco because LR wants about $1,450/mo for the 2022 Disco we ordered (MSRP $76,340). MF on the 2022 went from .00133 in December to .00211 in February, and dealer marked up the MF to .00311. Dealer will now slap a $10,000 markup on the 22 and some idiot will pay it and this will all continue.