I got a BMW iX last week and this forum was super helpful in securing a deal I was very happy with. One thing I didn’t prepare for was the last minute upsell (tire, windshield, lease protection and a bunch of other stuff) with the dealer’s finance guy. I work in finance, so it was pretty clear what he was trying to do - so at least I negotiated what felt like a hefty discount on the Lease Protection and Tire Protection. My wife will be doing most of the driving so I justified signing up as the cost of peace of mind just in case she hits a curb - and the cost of leasing for the first time… We drive in NorCal (Bay Area).
I am debating getting the i4 for myself. Should I just turn the upsell down altogether or is there any merit to it? I don’t want to deal with the hassle of buying used tires before the lease runs out or haggling over nicks and such. But obviously also don’t want to throw money away.
BMW wheels are not that expensive to repair or replace with aftermarket knockoffs. In general you would have to replace all 4 wheels during the lease period to justify the expense of the insurance. BMW is pretty lenient on wheel scratches at lease end. I am not sure what lease end protection is, but it is probably not worth the cost.
Chances are, you’ll need new tires well before the lease runs out. Instead of paying for road hazard coverage first (at the dealer) and later paying for new tires, why not go to Costco on day one and get new tires automatically covered for road hazard?
Save the OE tires for lease return.
Whatever you do, don’t drive on balding tires just because you prepaid for the right to return the car like that. Same for your wife’s car.