BMW Financial "We apologize but we are currently experiencing technical issues. Please try again later."

I have been trying to create my account to pay my lease for two weeks. It shows this every time. I have tried multiple computers and browsers. I will give them a call today I was just wondering if anyone else was having issues?

Yeah. I can log on to BMWFS and access “my garage” but when I click on “my account” to check payment stuff, I get “Sorry, this page is not available”. Been like this for three weeks now.

Most BMW FS personnel are working from home. Accounts are taking longer than usual to create. Dealers are still short staffed too. Contact your dealer about what they are doing with your 2nd payment. Usually BMW FS will charge the dealership to cover payment 2 on your behalf. In that case you reimburse your dealer.


Thank you for the info!

Glad to help a fellow Caps fan

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Is that possibly why BMWFS offered 1st 2 payment waivers instead of increased loyalty incentive?

No. This policy has been in effect for some time.

No issues accessing my account.

My payments are set up as an automatic push from one of my checking accounts via bill pay, so aside from logging into my BMWFS account just now to check, I rarely visit the site.


7 series lessees are treated differently than the plebs in 3 or 5 series

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3 series pleb checking in to confirm that there are no issues with my account.

It must be a 340 M sport or M3. They are separate from the 320 and 330 crowd!

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Wrong, I’m offended that you don’t remember my deal :cry:

I was able to create my account today.

He doesn’t even remember where he left his crystal balls

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Does he even still have em?

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Was a 330e no?

Pinging this again - are you guys still having issues? Picked up another BMW last week and having the same error when signing into “my account” BMW still down or something on the user end?

It was slow but keep trying. I was eventually able to get in to create an account before my first payment was due and it’s been fine since. The only major issue was creating the initial account.

Gotcha. I wonder if it changes in my scenario since I’ve got an existing account that I’ve used for previous leases. I guess I will wait a bit and see as I signed the new lease a few days ago. Good to know you got in.

Same Issue. Can’t get it and the my lease started 2 weeks ago. I wonder what the fix is. Should we just wait?